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[Creator Dragon] Yin yang dragon

Yin yang dragon



‘This egg has reached nirvana’


This smooth egg that bears the symbol of yin yang was laid in the deepest and darkest spot of a mountain cave. Far from any distraction, it has been maturing and cultivating for over a century. While the body develops, the slowly accumulating energy is stored in the white and the black pearls encased in the shell. One can tell how long the egg has been developing by how bright the yellow and blue aura around the shell is.


The slightest interference might delay its hatching by decades or may even cause it to die. The only thing that truly threatens its survival is its two pearls which are highly sought after by hunters. Their rarity, the fact that they contain part of the dragons’ soul and that they have the ability to float makes them very valuable items.



‘These hatch won't stray farther than a meter or two from their twin’


From the egg comes out twins, a white male surrounded by a faint yellow aura and a black female enveloped by a soft blue aura. They have small hairy bodies, soft bellies, short legs and, on their backs, tufts of hair of color opposite their body. The twins are quite energetic and take pleasure in playing tag and competing with each other in anything and everything. The pearls containing any excess energy are set free from the shell and leisurely float around the twins. Having the opposite pearl close by relaxes the hatch whenever their sibling strays too far. 



‘These hatchlings enjoy intertwining their bodies in a tangled mess’


At this stage, the hatchlings’ mane is properly growing in while their bodies become much longer and horns begin poking out of their foreheads. As they mature and their bodies better handle the energy they possess, the pearls are set in motion around the tangled bodies. The aura surrounding the two dragons also becomes brighter. The twins become calmer and now prefer to peacefully sail through the skies together.



When fully grown, yin yang dragons have a silky mane, sturdy horns and lengthy bodies. The twins have perfected their flying skills and can now strike a perfectly balanced pose they like to hold for hours on hand. Since they have completely grown into their bodies, they can support the whole of the energy that was stored in the pearls, giving a bigger range of motion to the two pearls orbiting around them. The male’s aura takes on a golden hue reminiscent of the sun while the female’s aura becomes silvery, like the moon. From then on they have the ability to fulfill their duty of keeping the perfect balance between the sun and the moon.




Dragon book


Yin yang dragons' eggs nearly always produce a male and female pair of twins. When a twin dies the other usually follows suit. In the rare occasion where only one of the twins hatches, the dead twin’s soul will fully be contained in its pearl (white dragon - white pearl / black dragon - black pearl), causing the jewel to grow much bigger than usual. The surviving twin will cling to that pearl, never letting go of it for very long.





Because the yin and the yang dragons complete each other, they cannot spend more than a few minutes apart. They do all their hunting, exploring, playing and flying around with each other. They particularly enjoy intertwining their bodies at any given occasion, clinging and cherishing their other half. If their twin is to leave for a bit, for example, for breeding, they will keep their other half’s pearl as close as possible, as if afraid that their sibling will disappear.


After attaining nirvana, the yin yang dragons have made it their duty to ensure that the sun and the moon never lose their balance. If they detect any anomaly, they will retire inside their birth cave and cultivate until the problem has been resolved. That is why when eclipses and other similar phenomena occur, no yin yang dragons can be sighted for hours. At any other given time, the twins spend most of their days and nights soaring through the skies, relishing in the moon’s glow and the sun’s bright rays.




Dragon info


Body type: 4.2-4.5m / 260-280kg 

Food: Moonlight flower

Major discovery area: Deep inside mountain caves

Time of discovery: Found mostly around noon and midnight

Species: Yin yang

Element types: Earth and Light

Type: Peace dragon




Special action


‘Find a breeding companion’


In order to breed with another Yin yang dragon, the dragon that executes this special action will travel to go find a Yin yang pair from a different tamer that also wishes to breed. The tamer will be able to select from the waiting list which pair they want their twins to breed with. If the waiting list is currently empty or no waiting dragon is to the tamer’s liking, the dragon will join the waiting list.


Twin dragons can only breed with other twin dragon pairs and this action will grant an egg to both tamers.

* The tamer that had their dragon in the waiting list will receive their egg through mail to ensure they don’t lose it since it is possible they could find a partner a few days later.


Broken pairs (only female or only male) can exclusively breed with another broken pair of the opposite sexe and only the female’s tamer will receive an egg.

*The Yin yang dragons can still breed with other dragon species, this special action is exclusively used to breed with other Yin yang dragons.

*One tamer can breed two of their own Yin yang dragons together but they will have to go through this special action (put one on the waiting list and then use the other one to select the one waiting).

*When putting a dragon on the waiting list, it should be possible to decide if we want to make the offer public or reserve it to a specific tamer (a bit like how it is for trades).




Story book


‘Keeping celestial peace all year long’


On new moon nights, Yin and Yang’s golden and silvery auras shine bright, taking over the duty of the moon who’s taking a break. On those dark nights that should be remembered as dark and gloomy, songs of praise can be heard from all over the mountains to thank the twins for their great help.


“Thank you my dear friends! Thanks to your help I didn’t lose my way home this time!”

“Praise these dragons, they have saved my baby from falling in the nearby river!”

Likewise, on days where the sun seems to shine much brighter than usual, the yin yang twins come to save the day by flying as high up in the sky as they can. They then use their bodies and auras as shields against the blazing rays, giving some repose to all the inhabitants below.


“It felt so hot a second ago, I thought I was going to melt if I so much as moved a finger. Now I can walk around without even breaking a sweat! These twins are absolutely amazing!”


“I really don’t know how we survived these days before these guys appeared!”




Thanks  for reading to the end!





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