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드래곤빌리지 컬렉션

글쓰기 브랜드 사이트

[Creator Dragon] Blue Sea Dragon (updated)

Blue Sea Dragon 2.0 design :D










生態 / Ecology

品種:藍海龍 Blue Sea Dragon

屬性:水 Water

類型:水龍 Water Dragon




蛋 / Egg





"This egg drifts with the ocean currents."

This egg is very lightweight, yet its shell is remarkably sturdy. Its fin-like wings allow it to drift on the ocean, and they only hatch when the egg reaches a warm and comfortable sea area."


幼體 / Hatch






"The hatch relies on its wings to support its body."

Newly hatched younglings are quite small in size, with underdeveloped limbs that restrict their mobility. As a result, they typically stay near water sources to keep their skin moist and maintain respiratory functions.


亞成體 / Hatchling







"After evolution, hatchling feed on poisonous jellyfish."


As they continue to grow, hatchling gain enough strength to move greater distances, often chasing their prey in the sea for three days and nights in pursuit of food.



成體/ Adult





It is a water dragon that goes with the flow of the tides, capable of producing potent toxins due to the toxic nature of its prey.


Blue Sea Dragons have incredibly large and eye-catching wings. Due to their unique structure, they cannot fly in the air. However, they use their massive wings to glide gracefully out of the water's surface while swimming, resembling angels soaring through the waves.



故事 / Story







"The Serene Wanderers"

Unlike the perception of them gracefully navigating the oceans, these beautiful dragons often simply float peacefully on the water's surface, allowing the currents to carry them to distant places.

However, when you encounter a group of blue sea dragons floating on the sea surface, never attempt to use them as water platforms. After all, these beautiful creatures often possess potent toxins, and many young dragon trainers have learned this the hard way.











這裡是來自亞洲(Asia)伺服器的 “Zamiaro”
感謝觀看 :D

댓글 5


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