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드래곤빌리지 컬렉션

글쓰기 브랜드 사이트

3th Creator Compaign [hollow] by xanther


~This egg has 7 eyes~


Hatch V1.

~This hatch wants to spread its wings.~


Hatchling v1.

~Has a skull as companion and sees all.~


Adult V1

~Hollow was an egg that got left behind in war times, as the sole survivor that it thought it was, hollow travelled the world and places that no one knew off and saw alot of beings and creatures, his floating skull companions tagged along with his journey up to look for more of its kind~


_______Other options for hollow________



Hollow hatchling V2 angel

~hollow accepted its angel side~


Hollow hatchling V2 demon

~hollow accepted its demon side~


Hollow Adult V2 demon

~Hollow became an evil being searching for more prey and battles to fight, an enjoyer of darkness and has a never ending appetite, shreds his victims without any sorrow, with its eyes it uses its powers to find what it is looking for, has seen alot of awfull things and death´s but due that he found his skull companions wich are his dead kind.~


Hollow Adult V2

~ Hollow embraced its angel side, with its eyes it knew what it was looking for and hollow found it, never gave up and kept going what it was striving for, explored the world with other creatures it met and gave tons of love to others that needed it, eventually hollow found its own kind again~


___________Hollow adult V2 special_______








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