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드래곤빌리지 컬렉션

글쓰기 브랜드 사이트

[Creator Dragon] Frangi



Element: Earth, Light
Type: Flower Dragon
Species: Frangi
Gender: Male / Female
Food: It eats Frangipani flowers
Average Body Shape: 1.5-2m / 50-100kg
Egg description upon exploration: This egg has a bud and a leaf wrapped around the base.


Design notes:

- The dragon has some pink markings near its eyes
- The colours of the petal on its head are different for the Adult Male and Adult Female
- Each Adult versions regardless of its pose must have a huge frangipani flower; the Male version has the front view of the flower while the Female version has the side view
- The leaves on the Adult versions are optional 

Description of Each Stage of Evolution



Occasionally, a Frangipani (Plumeria) tree would hold a dragon Egg. The Egg is wrapped with a huge leaf and has a bud extending from its side towards the sun. 



The buds of the plumeria tree are grouped in numbers of five, seemingly forming the shape of a human hand. The Hatch loves to sleep on this hand-like bud structure which is both secure and cozy. It is so relaxed and comfortable that it will not open its eyes until the next stage of its evolution. 



In its Hatchling form, the dragon finally opens its eyes. The Hatchling will absorb the nutrients of four of the buds to bestow a little kiss onto the most beautiful plumeria bud. That bud will eventually grow into the biggest flower yet to be seen, whilst the rest are eaten by the Hatchling. This process of absorbing and recycling energy is how the Frangi acquires power. 



The chosen bud eventually blossoms into the largest Frangipani ever seen, while the Dragon safeguards the flower away from all harm and danger. This flower is also the source of Frangi's powers, through the endless cycle of absorbing and recycling energy. If the flower the Dragon is safeguarding is destroyed, the dragon too will perish. As such, they have an inseparable relationship.


The female Frangi often uses the fully grown flower as a parasol which serves two purposes: one is to absorb more sunlight and the second is to cover it from all sorts of bad weather be it rain, wind or dust in general. The male Frangi on the other hand prefers to use the flower as a shield while he plots his strikes back at the enemies.  


[Adult - Male]


[Adult - Female]



The Frangi dragon species belongs to the group of Earth fairies and dragons that protect and preserve the land. Throughout the history of mankind, there have been many instances where the Earth has suffered as a result of pollution and waste brought upon by humans. The destruction caused by humans reduced the fertility of the soil and negatively impacted the growth of plants and flowers alike. As such some dragons might hold resentment towards the humans.


Of all the dragons that protect the Earth, the Frangi has the most compassion towards humans. It believes its solar power can blossom flowers that would withstand the test of destruction. It also has a forgiving personality and is willing to forget the consequences brought upon its homeland as a result of human negligence. It often ponders when it sits on its 5-bud plumeria branch what it would feel like to be held by a human. Yet it also wishes to be far away from them.


Therefore the chance of meeting a Frangi is often rare. Only on sunny days and clear skies would you observe in the early morning a little Frangi sunbathing. When they've noticed your presence, they might glow a little bit before disappearing into thin air and leaving behind a sparkle of golden glimmers.


If you are lucky, however, instead of disappearing off into the wild, it might just hang around by your side to aid you on your quest to save the Earth from further irreversible damage. 


Thanks for reading this far!

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