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드래곤빌리지 컬렉션

글쓰기 브랜드 사이트

[Creator Dragon] Octopus Dragon

Name: Octopus Dragon

IGN: tornest

Octopus Dragon! Based on the Blue Ring Octopus.


Egg Stage

Egg Description: This egg wiggles and writhes with excitement!

Dragon Book: Found only in the depths of a deep blue sea, this egg can withstand the pressure of even the deepest waters. Perhaps because of this, the egg is generally safe from many would-be predators. The egg seems to tremble with excitement at the prospect of hatching, looking forward to the day when it breaks open.


Hatch Stage

Dragon Book: The wriggling mass of tentacles that is the Octopus Dragon baby has not yet learned to control its many limbs. It flops around all day, getting used to coordinating its tentacles. Do not leave  it next to fragile items unsupervised- this critter will grab anything it can with wild abandon to play with it. Loves to play with new toys!


Hatchling Stage

Dragon Book: As it grows older, the Octopus Dragon gets a better handle of controlling its tentacles. Ever curious, it will start trying to solve puzzles and hoard toys to use them in new and unusual ways. It is a quick learner, and is eager to experiment.


Adult Stage

Dragon Book: The Octopus Dragon takes to the sea, where it spends its life exploring the vast depths. Its curiosity will never wane, and its eagerness to experience new things leads it to ever be traveling in search of new sights and people. The dragon is very friendly and intelligent, but watch after your valuables, for it is also a mischievous kleptomaniac.

댓글 3


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