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글쓰기 브랜드 사이트

Fluffernox (반은 악마 반은 토끼 용)


This egg seems to like carrots.


Location - Rainbow garden

Body type - 1.3m~1.5m/80~110kg

Food - carrot


Egg form

This egg seems to like carrot.


Tamers can feel that this egg seems to be happy whenever it's taken to the grassland. It's also a very active and energetic egg that loves to roll around.


Hatch form

This hatch looks like a rabbit.

After hatching, this dragon's appearance resembles a rabbit a lot, but it has horns on its head. It likes to hold the carrot that was found near the egg.


Hatchling form

This hatchling likes to eat carrot.

As it became a hatchling, its wings grew bigger and seemed to be very heavy, but they're actually very light. Even though it's able to fly, it prefers to stay on land and hide with its ear-like wings.


Adult form

This dragon is actually Fluffernox. That’s why it resembles a bunny yet also has demon features.

Fluffernox acts like a normal rabbit. It likes to spend time lying down and nibbling on carrots. It also gets stressed easily, especially in a new environment, which is why it often hides with its wings. But once it’s comfortable enough with the environment, its real character will show up.

Despite acting like a rabbit, it’s actually a very mischievous dragon. It likes to pull pranks on Tamers. It will sometimes scare them by making terrifying sounds and enjoy watching them get scared.


이 용은 사실 Fluffernox입니다. 그래서 토끼와 닮았지만 악마적인 특징도 가지고 있습니다. Fluffernox는 보통 토끼처럼 행동합니다. 누워서 당근을 뜯어먹는 것을 좋아합니다. 새로운 환경에서는 쉽게 스트레스를 받기 때문에 종종 날개로 숨는 것이죠. 그러나 한 번 환경에 충분히 적응하면 그의 진짜 성격이 나타날 것입니다.

토끼처럼 행동하지만 사실은 굉장히 장난기 있는 용입니다. 테이머들에게 장난을 치는 것을 좋아합니다. 때로는 무서운 소리를 내어 테이머들을 놀래키고 그들이 겁먹는 것을 즐겨봅니다.




One day, a Tamer found an egg near his carrot field. Not knowing what it was, the Tamer brought it home, and it hatched into a dragon that is similar to a rabbit. So, the Tamer put it with his other rabbit pets. It turned out to be Fluffernox, a dragon that is half-demon and half-rabbit. However, Fluffernox grew up with other rabbits, so it behaved like a normal rabbit. In the end, no matter how similar it was to a rabbit, it was not. At first, even Fluffernox itself thought that it was a rabbit, but it couldn't understand how other rabbits think, no matter how hard it tried to copy them.

어느 날, 테이머가 당근 밭 근처에서 알을 발견했습니다. 그것이 무엇인지 알지 못했지만, 테이머는 그것을 집으로 가져와 부화시켰고, 토끼와 유사한 용이 나왔습니다. 그래서 테이머는 그것을 다른 토끼 펫들과 함께 두었습니다. 그것은 반 토끼이자 악마인 Fluffernox였습니다. 그러나 Fluffernox는 다른 토끼들과 함께 자라서 보통 토끼처럼 행동했습니다. 어떻게 봐도 토끼와 비슷하지만 실제로는 그렇지 않았습니다. 처음에는 Fluffernox 자체도 자신이 토끼라고 생각했지만, 다른 토끼들이 어떻게 생각하는지 이해할 수 없었고, 그들을 모방하려고 애써도 이해할 수 없었습니다.


Until finally, Fluffernox ran away to find other demon dragons, but it still felt like it couldn't fit in. Feeling desperate, Fluffernox came back to its Tamer and asked what it was, why it was not the same as a demon nor a rabbit. The Tamer said, "It is what it is; it's a Fluffernox, so of course, it's different from others."

After that, Fluffernox gained confidence and grew to love itself.

마침내 Fluffernox는 다른 악마 용들을 찾아 도망쳤지만, 여전히 자신이 어울리지 않는 것처럼 느껴졌습니다. 절망적인 기분에 Fluffernox는 다시 테이머에게 돌아와 무엇인지, 왜 악마나 토끼와 같지 않은지 물었습니다. 테이머는 "그게 그거야; 그것은 Fluffernox니까 다른 것과 달라"고 말했습니다. 그 후로 Fluffernox는 자신에게 자신감을 가지고 자신을 사랑하기 시작했습니다.


댓글 0


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