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[Creator Dragon] Agitate Dragon

Created by Chapel Perilous - Discord ID: “Sepfroggo”. (North America)

The Agitate Dragon (Dark/Magic)



“This egg blinks at you.”

Markings like eyes stain the outside of the egg, between the hypnotic monochromatic swirls. You can't tell for sure, but when you turn away from the egg, you could've sworn the eyes blinked.


“This hatch stares ahead coldly.”

Unlike other hatches, this dragon doesn't play or test its' surroundings. Instead, this dragon seems to focus on other dragons, preferring to keep its distance and observe. It will walk alongside its tamer, but will rarely speak to them.


“This hatchling whispers to itself…”

The wingless hatchling becomes more reclusive at this stage, disappearing for days at a time, only to return to tamer as if nothing ever happened. In this stage, its impertinent that the tamer is as nice and calm with it as they can be, for the Agitate dragon is deciding the merit of its bonds with other beings. Tamers who have been known to mistreat the Agitate dragon during this stage of life find that it becomes more of an enemy than a friend.


“This adult Agitate dragon quietly looks at you with intent.”

As the Agitate dragon matures into an adult, it finally decides of it likes its tamer. Tamers who raise the Agitate dragon well and with love find that the Agitate dragon will attempt to undermine enemies in order for their tamer to get an edge. This usually happens in battle, where the Agitate dragon can see its foes face to face. The Agitate dragon devotes itself, mind and soul, to protect and understand its tamer at a more intimate, friendly level, where when it was younger, would give its tamer the cold shoulder.




A dragon known for its cunning nature, it seems dragons of this breed know more about you than you know yourself. Where the original generation Agitates originated from is still a mystery, and many Agitate dragons refuse to tell tamers. The Agitate dragon, as it grows, will ebb and flow with who they attach themselves to. Tamers who raise the Agitate dragon are warned to be pleasant with it, as they've been known to turn on tamers at the slightest rude remark. If a tamer is warm to the Agitate dragon, in retortion, will become the tamers biggest ally.


Story: "Tongue Of The Beast"

Light whispering echoed around the grown dragon, its eyes glaring at the old man or looking around with a glazed scrutinization. With sweat beading on his brow, the man took a step forward, introducing himself as Hansel. He choked back the lump in your throat as the odd dragon responded: “Don't worry yourself on greetings… I know who you are already… Hansel.” A gasp left the old mans lips. 'No… Surely, I haven't met this dragon before…' thought Hansel, his hands becoming clammy. 'I've kept dragons all my life…. But this one…' The dragon spoke again, as if hearing Hansel's' thoughts, “No. You don't know me. Oh, but I know you." The dragons multiple eyes seemed to not focus on anything particular, but the one on its head focused in on the trembling old man. The dragon began to grin. The old man, terrified and stuttering, discarded his decades of taming experience, and began to disrespect the Agitate dragon. “N-No, you don't know me! We've just met! Curb your lying tongue, foul beast!” In an instant, all of the eyes on the Agitate dragons body met the mans, and the Agitate dragon frowned. Reports say that the air pressure in that area Hansel had seen the dragon dipped severely. Days later, the tamer known as Hansel Lumeres was reported missing.





Average Body-Shape: 3.6~4.2m / 270-390kg

Food: Purple Tulip

Main Area of Discovery: Areas where light does not touch. (Altar of Darkness)

Time of Discovery: Dawn/Dusk, during Spring/Fall (Rainy Seasons).

Species: Agitate Dragon

Dragon Type: Clairvoyant Dragon

Element Type: Lightning,Dark


Gender: Both Agitate dragon male and females look the same.

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