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드래곤빌리지 컬렉션

글쓰기 브랜드 사이트

Lightning Shrine Dragon



Lightning Shrine Dragon
Element: Light, Lightning
Location: (only available or breedable during Waxing or Full Moons) Forest of Hope, Wrecked Ship, Sky Temple, Rainbow Garden, Crystal Mine

Egg- This Egg is nestled with bamboo.
Hatch- This Hatch is holding onto a bamboo shoot.
Hatchling- This Hatchling likes holding onto precious objects.
Adult- The Lightning Shrine Dragon enjoys holding precious objects from birth, such as bamboo, feng shui coins, and other trinkets. In the past, shrines and festivals were held in local villages that the Lightning Shrine Dragon resided near in order to request rain for crops. Assuming the offerings and activities were acceptable to the dragon, which would depend on each dragon's individual interests, it would fulfill the request each season and sustain the village. 

[Adult holds (in picture) lucky bamboo, gold coin (fengshui), & god dragon statue]


Body Type: 2.7~3.3m / 230~290kg
Food- Banana, Mango
Major Discovery Area- Forests and shrined areas.
Time of Discovery- Waxing moon and Full moon times.
Type- Shrine Dragon
Egg- This Egg is always found entwined in bamboo. It is so tightly woven that to remove the egg, you will need to cut the bamboo. Younger dragons will nestle their eggs in bamboo that is easy to cut, but older dragons nestle their eggs in the tallest bamboo, thus securing it firmly and preventing discovery by Tamers.
Hatch- This Hatch is obsessed with collecting small trinkets. However, its favorite is always the bamboo it hatched from since birth. It often forgets where it puts its trinket collection, so then it begins another one in a new place. No coins of a Tamer are safe.
Hatchling- The Hatchling is now able to properly store and collect trinkets. Unless well trained, it can become angry and create indoor storms if any of the trinkets are taken back. 
Adult- The adult Dragon goes on journeys to remote villages to bring rain, but instinctively returns to its Tamer on schedule. It will only breed during a Waxing or Full Moon. 


One day, a remote village was on the brink of destruction. A severe famine had occurred with hazardous weather conditions, and all the residents of the village cried out for help from any surrounding area. But the help never came.


When all was thought lost, a young boy remembered a story that a village elder had once told. He journeyed into the forest secretly at night, during the Full Moon so that it might light his way, and discovered a sleeping Lightning Shrine Dragon near the river. He cautiously approached it, and asked it if it would help bring rain to his dying village.


The dragon gently woke, and asked: "What do you have to offer for this service?"

The boy said, "I have nothing, but my life is yours."

The dragon replied, "Wait here," and floated above the treeline. Shortly after, there was a loud thundering noise, and the boy was scared and hid. But then, he heard raindrops- just a few, and then a torrential downpour so thick he could barely see in front of him. He heard the village shouting and cheering and celebrating with one another, that they may survive for another year.


Then, once the rain subsided, the dragon returned. "As your life is now mine, I will have you repay your debt to me by bringing the first fruits of your village come harvest season. Be it cattle, or fruit, I want the first. If you do not do this, your village will be destroyed."


The boy nodded, terrified, and ran home. The village heard his story, and when the time came, they obeyed.

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