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글쓰기 브랜드 사이트

[Creator Dragon] Venom Eyes

Name: Venom Eyes

Type: Intimidation Dragon

Element: Wind, Dark

Gender: Male/Female

Body Type: 1.8-2.5m / 120-200kg

Favorite Food: Variety Berries, Meggison

Found: Breeding (Wings + Poison River)


Dragon Description

This egg has a paralyzing aura.



It's an egg of great potential.


A greenish toxin is secreted from the tentacles that erupt from the egg, which causes skin irritation and burning when touched. It's hard to care for this egg with traditional methods, as the closer you get to it, the more you feel an oppressive power that forces you away. Thankfully, this egg does very well when left alone. The round marks on the shell, similar to its wing patterns, feel like they're watching you.


Dragon Description

This hatch has a piercing gaze.



It has an unnerving, rarely blinking stare.


The wings on its back are large but limited in movement, only serving as a form of intimidation to protect itself from threats. It tends to hide and avoid confrontation. When backed to a corner, it'll spray toxic saliva aimed at the opponent's eyes, temporarily blinding them and allowing the hatch to safely escape. It does not like to be touched and does not play with other hatches. It prefers to stay a distance away and observe.


Dragon Description

This hatchling is always on guard and aggressive.



Its personality completely changes, lashing out at anything that looks its way.


It only comes out at night to look for food and has a mouth full of toxins that inflict paralysis and severe burning. Its wings are powerful enough to stir up whipping winds. It's common knowledge to look out for its signature bright striping that glows in the dark, and to avoid them at all costs. Tamers must be cautious not to make eye contact with it, as it will attack and leave injuries that are difficult to heal.


Dragon Description

It is an Intimidation Dragon born from the mating of a Wings Dragon and a Poison River Dragon.


The patterns on its wings are more developed and the tips are capable of injecting venom into those that touch them. Functional eyes have awoken on its wings, giving it a wide range of sight. Unlike the Poison River Dragon, it prefers to be out of the water and in the skies. It is very prideful of its long mane of hair and brings great attention to maintaining it.


It is very observant and knowledgeable, surveying dragons of all different species. It values its Tamer a lot and is often seen helping them and other dragons out from a distance, theorized to be a form of long-term apology for how it acted when it was younger. It is known as the Intimidation Dragon because of the feeling of dread and fear you feel if you stare at its eyes for too long.



It is a nocturnal dragon with intricate patterns and glowing dots along its body. Because it knows its potential and strength, it is less aggressive and more in control of its abilities. With its strong sense of flow, it can control how weak or strong its oppressive aura is, invoking great fear at will with just a gaze towards threats. The toxins that flow throughout its body are more concentrated at the tips of its tentacles, wings, and quills. It is able to regulate its toxins in order to swim in waters without polluting them.


The hairs of its mane and tail are silky smooth and cool to the touch, as if a constant wind is blowing through the strands. Though it is known to raise its power to bring fear to others, not many know that the powers also work in reverse, allowing it to soothe select few with its gaze instead. It often does this with sleeping young to ward off nightmares. Many younger dragons are silently protected by Venom Eyes at night, as it stands guard in wait to scare off threats.


“Protector of the Night”


A clutch of eggs rest happily under the shade of a great tree, unaware of the great looming predator approaching them from the shadows. A hungry growl rumbles from its mouth, greedy eyes gleaming in the dark. As it opens its jaws wide to grab an egg, the piercing sound of a violent breeze whips through the air, startling the predator.


Eyes wide, it stares at the large, glowing dots in the sky. Six eyes stare down at it, the intimidation amplified by the large shadow the moon cast over the figure's body. A wave of paralysis and terror wash over the predator and it howls, turning tail and running away, completely forgetting about its hunger and the eggs.


The figure lands gently onto the ground beside the small nest, and it glances down worriedly at the shaking eggs. They seem to have sensed the oppressive aura coming from it and were scared.


“Hush, hush,” the dragon gently cooed, lowering its wings and brushing a gentle paw over the warm, smooth surfaces of the eggs. “You are safe now, but where are your parents?”


The Venom Eyes looks around in search, but to no avail. The air was still once again and there was a sad silence that settled into the clearing.


Wrapping a protective tail around the clutch, the Venom Eyes stations itself in front of the nest.


“I will come back, night and day, to protect you, my loves.” It whispers, eyes wide and alert as they tirelessly scan the night, waiting for the next predator who dares stand in its way.

Female vs Male Appearance

Males have a drastically different appearance from females, with lighter skin and darker hair. Male wings are duller than females. (Not shown in illustration:) Females have longer hair and tentacles while males have longer fangs and shorter hair and tentacles.

All in one illustrations

Concept Art//Initial Sketch

Thank you for reading! Unfortunately the other stages of the line other than the adult have less shading done to them due to my physical health, I didn't want to push myself more than I needed to ;; I had more ideas but I suppose those will have to wait until next time~

(2 hour quick animation of the eye)

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