Name: Aurea
Body Type: 2.3~3.1m/150~250 kg
Food: Fruits
Discovery Area: Rainbow Garden
Discovery Time: Evening, all seasons
Element: Light
The egg has many colorful feathers which shine in the light.
This egg is black with green feathers. These feathers hide and protect golden gemstones on the egg. If the gemstones are damaged, the dragon will not grow. This egg prefers sunlight. Eggs that recieve more sunlight will grow more colorful feathers.
This egg has beautiful feathers.
This hatch is curious, but shy. It gently paws at things it finds interesting, but is often startled by what it finds. It should be cared for gently, and does not respond well to harsh discipline. It's almost entirely black, since its adult feathers haven't grown in yet.
This hatch is fluffy and shy.
This hatchling is still shy, but has more confidence than Hatch. It is gentle and kind. It likes helping people. It seems to enjoy forests. Its adult feathers have begun to grow in, and it is no longer as fluffy as it was.
This dragon's adult feathers have begun to grow in.
It is said that a gold feather from Aurea Dragon grants wishes. Because of this, many people attempt to seek out Aurea Dragon. Aurea Dragon will often try to help them, but will turn away those that are rude.
It is a rare dragon, and seems to prefer solitude in the wild. It often prefers forested areas and running water. Despite its beauty, it does not spend much time grooming. Its feathers are highly sought after, which is probably why it prefers forests.
Aurea Dragon has many colorful feathers, but only some of them are gold. The number of gold feathers it grows is dependant on the kindness and sunlight it recieves. A dragon that often experiences cruelty may not have a single gold feather.
It is a beautiful dragon that wishes to help people.
As an adult, Aurea Dragon can hear wishes. Though it cannot grant wishes like Angel Dragon, it will still try to fulfill them. If a person needs money, Aurea Dragon will give them one of its feathers to sell. If a person is hurt, Aurea Dragon will attempt to heal them. If there is nothing Aurea Dragon can do, it will attempt to call upon Angel Dragon to grant the wish.