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[Notice] Known Issues for September 12 (Thu) (Fixed)

This is Dragon Village Collection.


We would like to inform you of the known issues that have been identified following the September 12 (Thu) update.


Please refer to the detailed information below.



▣ Notice of Known Issues for September 12 (Thu)


■ Issues

1. Personality aura appearing on Frozen Hatchling Dragons (Fixed)

 - This issue has been resolved via a live patch. Please reconnect for normal gameplay.


2. A black screen appears when entering Skull Fortress, making progress impossible (Fixed)


3. Issue where a black screen appears when reactivating 'Auto' after deactivating it while progressing in the Temple Estella (Fixed)


4. Issue where a black screen appears when checking available rewards on the Ancient Guardian Dragon selection screen while progressing in the Temple Estella (Fixed)


* Resolved on September 12th (Thursday) at 13:25. Please log in again to use the service normally


We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and will strive to provide a more stable service.


Thank you.

Notice Post

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