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[Notice] Regarding the Measures for the Extension of the Sky Kingdom Exploration Level Event


This is Dragon Village Collection.

We apologize for the confusion and inconvenience caused by the delay in communicating the extension of the Sky Kingdom Exploration Level Achievement Event on Thursday, August 22. We deeply regret not considering your feelings thoroughly and failing to provide timely notice regarding the event extension.


We should have carefully considered all aspects from the initial event preparation stage, and if any changes were to be made, we should have taken more factors into account. However, in our desire for more players to experience and enjoy the new exploration style of the Sky Kingdom, we decided to proceed with the extension. For this, we sincerely apologize.


During the decision-making process, we strive to find ways that can satisfy as many Tamers as possible. Unfortunately, we overlooked the fact that such decisions might cause significant discomfort and disappointment to others.


We apologize for the sudden extension of the event period and for the lack of detailed explanation and timely apologies. We acknowledge and fully empathize with the concerns you have raised, and we are reflecting on them deeply.


Moving forward, as we mentioned in our Developer's Note, we will adhere to the principles we've established before launching events and make every effort to deliver more enjoyable and well-thought-out events.


We understand that this may not fully address the dissatisfaction some of you may feel, but as a gesture of our sincere apologies for any distress caused, we will be providing the following compensation:



 - Anti-Fatigue Supplements: 3

 - Dragon Drink (Untradeable): 5,000

* The compensation is scheduled to be paid on August 29 (Thur)


Once again, we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience and concern caused by our decisions, event management, and delayed communication.


Thank you.

Notice Post

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