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[Notice] Schedule for Colosseum Free League and Official League


This is Dragon Village Collection.


We would like to inform you regarding the Colosseum Free League and Official League.


The Colosseum Free League was scheduled to end on 5/30/2024 as planned when the Free League of March started, however, we have decided to extend the Free League a little further.


Apologies for the inconvenience without noticing that the first Free League has ended.


The second Colosseum Free League is scheduled to be opened today and when the second Free League is opened, the data of the First Free League will be reset. Therefore, you will be able to obtain the 10 winning rewards again, starting from 1000 points in Bronze tier.


The second Free League is scheduled to run by 7/11/2024 and we now are currently preparing for the Official League to start right after the end of Free League.


Please note that another Notice will be announced regarding any changes and detailed information before the Official League, We deeply apologize for the inconvenience regarding the First Free League.


Thank you.


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