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[Notice] Notice regarding Monthly Egg breeding probability


We are informing you about the probability in breeding Monthly Egg [Shockwave] forms


Dragon nameAppearanceDragon nameAppearanceDragon nameAppearancepercentageAppearancepercentage
1ShockwaveAzure's Blue Sky Form+ShockwaveAzure's Blue Sky Form=ShockwaveBlue Sky Form64.00%Basic appearance36.00%
2ShockwaveAzure's Golden Sunset Form+ShockwaveAzure's Golden Sunset Form=ShockwaveGolden Sunset Form64.00%Basic appearance36.00%
3ShockwaveAzure's Crimson Sunset Form+ShockwaveAzure's Crimson Sunset Form=ShockwaveCrimson Sunset Form64.00%Basic appearance36.00%
4ShockwaveAzure's Starry Sky Form+ShockwaveAzure's Starry Sky Form=ShockwaveStarry Sky Form64.00%Basic appearance36.00%
5ShockwaveBlue Sky Form+ShockwaveBlue Sky Form=ShockwaveBlue Sky Form8.16%Basic appearance91.84%
6ShockwaveGolden Sunset Form+ShockwaveGolden Sunset Form=ShockwaveGolden Sunset Form8.16%Basic appearance91.84%
7ShockwaveCrimson Sunset Form+ShockwaveCrimson Sunset Form=ShockwaveCrimson Sunset Form8.16%Basic appearance91.84%
8ShockwaveStarry Sky Form+ShockwaveStarry Sky Form=ShockwaveStarry Sky Form8.16%Basic appearance91.84%

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