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[Guide] Village : Town Guide Document


What is Town?

 - Town is the new content within the Village which allows you to build a production base for Special Evolution.

 - Use Imps to build and level up buildings, expand the Town by removing obstacles, and proceed with the research.

 The initial number of imp you can use at the same time is two. You can add up to 5 by using Gold or Diamonds

 - You have to place Dragons in Village Town to run the production building and make essence from the Platform.


1. Hall

 - Hall is a building that manages the entire Town.

 - Depending on the level of Hall, the types of production buildings that can be purchased increase, the maximum gold holding limit, the number of Dragons that can be placed increases, and the area of land that can be expanded increases.


2. Expansion

 - Town can be expanded by removing ‘Large Obstacles’, and it requires producible materials to remove obstacles. Some Large obstacles can be removed after the Hall level up.

 - It takes a certain amount of time to remove obstacles, and small obstacles such as ‘Small Trees’ can appear.

 - When expanding Town, you can find a special building that can produce essential materials at a specific location.


3. House of Sages

 - The House of Sages is a building that provides a type of idle reward.

 - The idle reward of the House of Sages increases its limit depending on the level of the House of Sages.

 - As the level of the House of Sages increases, the quantity and type of rewards increase.


4. Production Building

 - Production buildings can be purchased when the Hall level is achieved.

 - Depending on the type of building, various products can be produced, and the produced products can be used to build buildings, level up, or expand the Town.

5. Gold Storage

  •  - The gold storage is a building where gold acquired over time is stored.
  •  - You can obtain the currently stored gold by touching the gold storage.

6. Platform

 - It is a key installation of the Village Town where you can acquire the Special Evolution materials of the Dragon.

 - The Platform has different effects depending on the Element and grade, and it can produce ‘Element Type Essence’.

   For example, if it is a light Element Platform, you can only acquire light Element Type Essence per hour.

 - If you place a Dragon of a certain Element on the Platform, you get a 100% Element bonus on production.

7. Dragon Platform

 - It is a key installation of the Village renovation that can acquire the Special Evolution materials of the Dragon faster.

 - The names of the Dragons, such as the Platform of the God Dragon and the Platform of Darknix, are designated, and you can acquire the essence of the corresponding Dragon according to the Platform.

 - Any adult Dragon can be placed on the Platform. 

   At this time, if you place an adult Dragon of the same element on the Platform, you get a 100% Element bonus on production, and if you place a Dragon of the same species on the Platform, you can get an additional 100% species bonus.
  * For example, if you place the God Dragon on the Platform of the God Dragon, you will get a production bonus of 200% by adding the Element bonus and the species bonus. 

 - To proceed with Special Evolution, you need the essence of the Dragon, and you can exchange 10 Element Type Essences for 1 specific Dragon’s essence.
  * For example, since the God Dragon is a light element, you can exchange 10 light Essences for 1 God Dragon’s essence.
      If it is a Dual Element Dragon like the Hell Dragon, the Element Type Essence that can be exchanged is determined based on the first element. The Hell Dragon is a fire/dark element, so you can exchange 10 fire Element Type Essences for one Hell Dragon’s essence, but you cannot exchange it with a dark Element Type Essence.

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