Title: [Creator Dragon] Ghandle
(The combination of the english words Ghost and Candle.)
Images: Egg/Hatch/Hatchling/Adult
[Key features of design are spikey or fluffy fur, golden chain and details, white sheet simulating ghost costumes.]
Description/Lore: The Ghandle dragon species are known for having delicate silk blankets cover most of their bodies. It is believed their eggs are born from old forgotten eggs from other dragon species that have been abandoned and left to die alone. Ghandle yern for company and affection that they did not have in their past lives. For this same reason they may feel like using their chains to attach themselves to another dragon as a way to say “we'll be friends forever!”. When an adult Ghandle finds the soul of a recently passed away egg, they guide it through the sky so the soul may turn into a Ghandle egg.
Egg: The egg is covered by a delicate silk blanket and has an angelic halo on top.
Hatch: Young Ghandle hatch don't have their own halos yet and their wings aren't strong enough to help them fly around.
Hatchling: Ghandle hatchlings have their own golden chains around their paws (since they love other dragon's companion, they may use the chain to forever attach themselves to their new friends.) and a golden halo on top of their head. This gives them and Angelic aura.
Adult: Now that the Ghandle is fully grown their wings are able to hold their weight, allowing them to fly. An adult Ghandle may never try to take off their silk blanket since they deem it a part of their identity.