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드래곤빌리지 컬렉션

드래곤빌리지 컬렉션


[Create dragon] firefly bat dragon / Oshina //eng

Hello this is my dragon submission it not very good but I hope you guys like it

oh right my us in game is Omuri the dragon fruit (east asian)


the first is egg 

(Eggs that glow in the night forest)


(A furry dragon that helps withstand the cold at night.)


(Friendly and Shy Dragon They often share their light with others. They usually like to live in forests or places where there are lights of fireflies.)


(The dragon who bestows light on travelers and warmth. They are not often seen. because of their shyness They usually eat fruit. and likes to sleep upside down It tends to sleep in the morning and wake up at night. Sometimes it will secretly watch travelers from afar. Someone once said that they could survive from the forest by following the light of the fireflies.)

댓글 5


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