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드래곤빌리지 컬렉션

글쓰기 브랜드 사이트

[Creator Dragon] Mortaga







Average Size

Average Weight

Fire, Dream

Mystery Dragon

Quiet, Calm

Small Prey

Forest, Caves




This egg purges disease.


Mortaga's cleansing flame burns bright on this egg.  Small creatures gather around the fire to keep warm.



Carries an eerie flame that wards off disease.


Once hatched, Mortaga curiously wanders the forest, healing blighted creatures of their affliction.



The small flame grows around her neck.


Those who dare to venture into the depths of the shadowy forest can beseech Mortaga for her assistance in mending their injuries and ailments.



Purple flames dance around this dragon's crown of horns.


Mortaga's arrival is often seen as a foreboding sign, for she emerges only in times when a dreadful blight has plagued a village. While her eerie flames cause immense pain, they do so without leaving a trace.


Those who withstand her searing embrace emerge purified of all harm, whether it be physical wounds, illness, or even the scars of a shattered heart.



The villagers gathered at the edge of the dense forest, their weapons bared at the haunting figure with burning flames of purple and green that loomed before them. They had heard tales of this malevolent being, and were warned that its mere presence would bring a terrible blight upon their village.


However, the dragon did not attack them. Despite its haunting appearance, there was no malice in its hollow eyes. It observed the villagers with curiosity before directing a slender wisp of flame toward a hooded man in the crowd.


Whispers and murmurs swept through the villagers as they cautiously distanced themselves from the hooded figure.


“Why do you conceal your face?” One villager inquired, puzzled, as the man was never one to hide his face.


The hooded man made no reply and attempted to flee, only to be halted by a fiery barrier summoned by the dragon. Defeated, he reluctantly lowered his hood, revealing a sickly countenance marked by numerous boils.


“Has this creature plagued you?” One villager cried out.


“No.” The man responded as he hastily covered his face once more. “I have been ill for several days.  I did not want to burden anyone with my plight.”


“But you have been in contact with all of us!”  Another villager protested.  “Your pride will cast a blight upon this town!” 


The dragon drew nearer to the hooded man, who now bore an expression of deep fear as the fiery mane of purple and green enveloped him. He screamed as the searing flames consumed his body, but the pain soon subsided, and the man emerged from the fire miraculously cured of his illness.


The dragon then extended its eerie flames to the remaining villagers, purging the scourge that festered within them. The flames soon died down, and the dragon retreated into the shadows of the forest. The villagers, astonished that the very dragon they had been warned would bring destruction had instead come to their aid, pledged to spread the word of its benevolent deeds.


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