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Vanell - Creators Dragon by Mety_R0se - EU


This egg glimmers under jewel-lit seas.


This egg is delicately decorated with pearl necklaces of deceased mermaids. The water surrounding the egg contains a glitter powder that turns the water semi-solid. Once this water is no longer cuddling the egg, it is ready to hatch



This hatch plays with loose gold dropped by treasure hunters.


The small dragon enjoys exploring its surroundings, and it will play with any gold you leave laying around. Should you lose your gold, it will often bring it back to you in exchange for pats.



This hatchling polishes it's collection of gold and jewels.


When it becomes a hatchling, the Vanell will begin to hord all shiny possessions nearby it. This habit has become part of its evolution into preparing it for its adulthood. If you should attempt to take the items it has collected away from it, it will defend its treasure no matter what.



This dragon protects the treasures of gods under their holy blessing.


Once the Vanell reaches its adulthood, it is blessed by one of the many gods to protect a treasure of the gods choosing. They are hyper aware of their surrounding. These treasured are often pasted down from Vanell to Vanell. They come in different colours, but the most common is white with purple.


Sometimes when a Vanell studies the humans around them hard enough, they may obtain the ability to take on a semi human appearance. This is extremely rare however, and only happens should a Vanell no longer have a treasure to guard.





A god once discovered that their were a group of bandits where planning to steal their precious treasure. The god was not the strongest and was often extremely busy and unable to keep their treasure with them.


The god took a walk along a cliffside later that day, trying to think what to do about that situation, since they did no have much time left, and even less time to think. Upon hearing a majestic, but fearful cry, they were immediately wary and dove into the sea.


The sea was the darkest it had ever been, making it extremely difficult to see where they were going, the god swam only with the wails to guide them. After what felt like forever, the god finally reached the source of the wailing, a serpent like dragon was being attacked by Multiple Tropheus. The god quickly came to the recuse of the dragon and fought of the Tropheus. 


The god talked to the dragon who thanked them, saying that while they could originally fight them off, this large group had ambushed them and there were too many to fight off with such an attack. The god thought for a moment, and then they had an offer.


“If I grant you the ability to be fully aware of your presence and bless you a name, will you protect my treasure for me.” The dragon thought hard about the offer, before agreeing. "Alright then, I shall name you ‘Vanell' and I'll bring you my treasure to protect this evening.



A few days later, the god returned to the Vanell after the time the bandits had planned to still the treasure, and to their great relied, ever single piece of treasure still remained. 5he god loved to tell this story to the other gods, who later found their own vanells to protect their treasures, creating the continuous relation between the vanell and gods.



Extra details:


Elements: water and light

Genders: female and male

Type: Guardian Dragon

Form: Coatyl

Scientific name: Jewelous Splendens

Body length: 3.5m - 5m and 275kg - 375kg

Favourite food: Seaweed

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