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드래곤빌리지 컬렉션

글쓰기 브랜드 사이트

[Creator Dragon] Venus Flytrap Dragon



Average body shape 2.5-3.5m / 250-330kg

Food: Bugs

Main Discovery Area: Dense rainforests

Time of Discovery: Found almost all year at all times.

Species: Venus Flytrap Dragon

Element Type: Earth, Dark

Type: Flytrap Dragon




This Egg looks hungry for bugs.


Despite this Egg's dangerous appearance, the dragon within is completely safe and warm. The roots of this Egg are buried deep into the ground and provide nutrients. Once the the Egg hatches the roots pull up from under the ground and the Hatch will use the remains of the Egg as protection from the elements and more.


(Order left to right: Default Form, Green Dragon Form, Red Dragon Form)

The old Egg becomes one with the Hatch for survival.



Once a Hatch this dragon remains still for hours, waiting for a bug to fly into their mouth. Now fashioned into a hood, the old Egg lets out a sickly sweet smell attracting small bugs into the tiny dragon's mouth. These dragons don't need much food to survive and will often be found sitting in small puddles absorbing water. 



(Order left to right: Default Form, Green Dragon Form, Red Dragon Form)

Evolution Hatchling will now be seen chasing bugs.


As this Dragon grows bigger so will its appetite, and now it will chase bugs throughout the night. They are not picky eaters but often have a favourite bug of their own. Its hood has also developed two heads of its own that in the Hatchling stage will remain mostly dormant, only catching stray bugs as this Dragon sleeps.


(Order left to right: Default Form, Green Dragon Form, Red Dragon Form)

This Dragon is now a skilled hunter.


This Dragon now spends its time stalking its prey and has an almost insatiable appetite. Though mainly sticking to hunting larger insects occasionally this Dragon will hunt a particularly unfortunate bird. Once an Adult sets its eyes on its prey it will stop at almost nothing until it's been eaten. The Adult's two other heads also need to eat leading this Dragon to often be eating passively. The extra heads serve another purpose for this dragon, one will always be facing the opposite direction of the main head. The head that looks the opposite way will warn the rest of the body if there are any potential threats headed this Dragons way.




Lucky…This Time

Though intimidating the Venus Flytrap Dragon has never harmed its Tamer. Even its extra heads refuse to harm a hair on Tamer's head.

Deep in the lush jungle, a rustle can be heard. Out from the foliage jumps Venus Flytrap Dragon. Right next to its Tamer's head one of the Dragon's heads snaps at a large flying insect.  It swallows it whole and slowly walks off to find its next meal.


(Account on DVC: princemagic)

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