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드래곤빌리지 컬렉션

글쓰기 브랜드 사이트

大笨鳥/The Big Clumsy Bird/큰 바보새

!!!! I used translator for Korean here. Please forgive me if there is any mistakes !!!!
!!!!제 여기 한국어는 모두 번역기를 사용하고 있습니다. 오류가 있을 경우 양해 부탁드립니다.!!!!

創作靈感/Inspiration/창작 영감



The Malayan Night-Heron in Taiwan, commonly known as the "big clumsy bird," has brought me many surprises during my university years. They like to suddenly appear on the grass on rainy days. They usually stay still, thinking no one will notice them. When they are discovered, they look surprised, which is quite amusing. Therefore, I wanted to draw the Malayan Night-Heron in a form similar to a griffin.


대만에서 말레이야시아야백로는 일반적으로 "큰 서툴러 새"로 알려져 있으며 대학 시절에 많은 놀라움을 안겨주었습니다. 그들은 비 오는 날에 갑자기 잔디 위에 나타나는 것을 좋아합니다. 그들은 보통 아무도 자신을 주목하지 않을 것이라고 생각하고 가만히 있습니다. 그들이 발견되면 놀란 듯한 표정을 지어 꽤 재미있습니다. 그래서 나는 말레이야시아야백로를 그리핀과 유사한 형태로 그리고 싶었습니다.


黑冠麻鷺- eBird

這是黑冠麻鷺本人/This is Malayan Night-Heron in real life./이것은 실제로 존재하는 말레이아 야광해오라기입니다.



詞條:這顆蛋周圍有很多寶藏/This egg is surrounded by the treasure./이 알 주변에는 많은 보물이 있다.


幼體/ The young/젊은








名稱/Name/이름: 大笨鳥/The Big Clumsy Bird/큰 바보새

品種/Breed/품종: 鳥龍/Bird Dragon/새 드래곤


屬性/Type/속성: 風、土/ Air&Ground / 바람, 흙


體型/Size/체형: 2m高/2 meters high/두 미터 높이


食物/Food/음식: 大型蚯蚓/ Huge worms/대형 미충이


發現地區/Area/발견 지역 : 任何地方/Anywhere/어디든지


發現時間/Time/발견 시간: 容易出現在雨天和夜晚/ Rainy and night/ 비 오는 날과 밤에 쉽게 발생합니다.



























"Hurry! Catch it!"

A group of villagers angrily shouted that in recent days the village has been repeatedly experiencing thefts, and all the hard-earned coins they saved have disappeared!

People pointed their fingers at the Big Clumsy Bird that loves gold, as they love to decorate their nests with shiny things.

"It must be him who stole it!"

At this moment, a dragon tamer bravely volunteered to investigate the truth. He was unwilling to let an innocent dragon suffer.

"I will prove that the thief is someone else, and the Big Clumsy Bird is definitely not the thief."

Before he set off for the cave where the Great Auk lived, the journey was eerily quiet. The dragon tamer dared not make any sudden movements.

He searched around for any possible robbers or suspicious individuals nearby.

But there was nothing else around except for the usual birds and animals.

Arriving in front of the cave, the Big Clumsy Bird was fast asleep.
The dragon trainer called out to awaken the Big Clumsy Bird, almost scaring its soul away with this action.

"Big Clumsy Bird! I hope you can tell me who the culprit is behind the disappearance of the coins in our village."

"Gold coins? I do have a lot of them... but no one wants them!"
"No one wants it? But there are no traces of bandits or the like around here."

"I am telling the truth!"
"I believe you, but with this clue gone, perhaps the gold coin never disappeared?"
"Big clumsy bird! Do you know what kind of dragon is good at illusions?"
"Lucio? That jerk who always teases me!"

"That's right!"

The Big Clumsy Bird flew back to the village with the dragon trainer to prove its innocence, and happened to see Lucio releasing illusions.

The Big Clumsy Bird made an unpleasant noise, interrupting Lucio, and subdued him with its front limbs.

"Lucio! You're teasing people again!"

After the villagers woke up, they saw a scene of the Big Clumsy Bird questioning Lucio.

The dragon trainer stepped forward to explain, and only then did the truth come to light.
Lucio created an illusion that made the villagers unable to see the gold coins, and scattered the feathers of the Big Clumsy Bird around.

The Big Clumsy Bird had already ransacked the thieves in order to build its nest.

So the villagers blamed the Big Clumsy Bird that liked shiny objects.

"Lucio, you have been imprisoned."

“No!! Wait!”

創作過程/Creating Process/창작 과정


I hope everyone can also fall in love with this kind of bird after watching it!

여러분이 이 새를 보고 마음에 들었으면 좋겠어요!



댓글 1


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