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드래곤빌리지 컬렉션

글쓰기 브랜드 사이트

Devil Mantis Dragon --dragon creator contest

Apologies for any awkwardness or errors in the submission--I don't speak Korean but i wanted to submit a dragon.


Name: Devil Mantis Dragon

adult height: 1meter

weight: 13kg

attribute: earth, dark

Food: bugs


Egg: This egg has sharp wings

Story: This egg is laid onto trees in clusters with its sharp wings facing outward to protect it from predators


Hatch: This hatch's scales are still very soft

Story: When this dragon first hatches it is very small and it's scales are very soft, it's bright colors are a bluff to scare away anything that may want to harm it while its body is still delicate. At this state they can fly away to a safe place if needed


Hatchling: This hatchling is very good at standing still.

Story: This hatchling practices hiding and hunting by standing very still and sometimes swaying with the breeze. At this state they can fly, but their wings are becoming stiff as the hatchling gets older and the wings become smaller as their body grows.


Adult Story: Devil Mantis Dragon mimics a beautiful spiked plant for camouflage as it tracks its targets, the dragon is amazing at standing still and waiting for the perfect moment to strike. 

as an adult their wings are no longer functional. They are covered in many defensive spikes and the fur under the adult dragon's tail looks very soft but it is sharp and irritating like fiberglass if touched. They are extremely fast and light. Contrary to their coloration they do not have poison.


Extra: If this dragon is chosen i would love if the game artists were to pick rare breeding colors of their choice for it, that would make me extremely happy. 

댓글 4


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