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Chocolate dragon - "This egg is in a wrapper."

Just made my entry, I know I'll probably not make it, but still being hopefull.



Scientific Name: Theobroma Draconis

Text: This egg is in a wrapper.

Element: Dream.

Genders: Male/Female.

Where Found: Quest(East Yutakan Region)

Base Growth Time: 75 hours.

Tadeable: G2+

Default Color: Orange



          FEED                    SLEEP

          |\                         /|

             \                       /

            Great!              Fair.


WASH ← Hmm…      Very Good! → PLAY


    Good!                 Excellent!

         /                            \

       |/                            \|

       MUSIC          SCRATCH


Common Personality: Quiet.

Rare Personality: Calm.

Combat Type: DEF.

Skill Type: Circle.

Base Health: 65,500.


Form: Draco

Type: Sugar Dragon

Body Type: 3~5.7m / 13.6~23.8kg.

Food: Sugar.

Discovery Area: Not found in area.

Discovery Time: Appearing time unknown



This egg is in a wrapper.


It hides away from the sun when out and likes rolling in sugar. It often is surrounded with bugs.



This hatch stays away from other dragons.


Despite looking sweet and sugary, the hatch is quite timid and irritated when met with other dragons. It likes to stay near tin foil and melts in the sun. It reforms itself by melting itself near water, then it plunges into water and uses it's strong will to reform itself into the desiered shape.



This hatchling makes different chocolate varients.


It fears of being eaten so it makes tasty chocolate for anyone it encounters. It loves music and blasts it at top volume when alone and enjoys it's life every moment it can. It starts warming up to it's own species but hides away from tamers. It wears a large chocolate hat that shades it's face from veiw.



It is a sweet and sugary dragon with a quiet personality.


It roams East Yutakan offering sweet and savory chocolate flavors to other dragons. It gives them a variety of flavors to choose from.


The ones who try chocolate dragon's chocolate are given protection from harm's way and feel remarkably happier.


It likes to stay in shady and cold areas to avoid melting, only entering the heat to reform it's body by melting and then hopping into cold water and reforming it body to it's desired form.


It tends to avoid tamers scince it's scared of being eaten, only leaving gifts of different flavors of chocolate near the tamer when the tamer is sleeping, hoping to convince them not to eat it.


It only warms up to the tamer once they have proven to be trustworthy. The tamer the chocolate dragon trusts will be granted protection from anything that the tamer feels threatened by.



A world of chocolate.


Chocolate dragon pondered around a soft lush medow of bushy grass looking for inspairation for a new chocolate flavor.


“Hello? Is anyone here?”


Chocolate dragon turned around to a dragon he had never seen before. 


“Oh! Hello there, would you like some chocolate?” Chocolate dragon asked quietly.


“Sure! I've heard about you before, you're chocolate dragon, right?”




Chocolate dragon produced some fresh chocolate from his hands and gave it to the dragon whose eyes went wide and smiled.


“That is so good! Here, i'll give you something.” 


The dragon produced a big candy cane from his bag and gave it to chocolate dragon and left hapily.


Confused, chocolate dragon held out the candy cane.


A huge portal of red and white appeared in front of chocolate dragon.


“I think I know my next flavor, candy cane.”

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