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드래곤빌리지 컬렉션

글쓰기 브랜드 사이트

海叶龙/Leafy Sea Dragon

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Wave Leafy SeaDragon~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


This Egg accompanied with the waves.

海叶龙/Wave Leafy Sea Dragon
平均体型/Body Type: 2-2.8m/130-170kg
食物/Food: 海带/Kelp
主要发现地区/Discovery Area: 主要发现于海浪四起的海洋/Mainly found in the ocean with rising waves.
可发现时间/Discover Time: 一年四季都可见,主要出现在清晨/Found all year round at all times, mainly appearing in the early morning.



This Egg accompanied with the waves.


When you touch the egg, surrounding waves around egg will slap you hand to resistance, just like warning you do not abandon it. And when you put it into water, it will fell in peace, at that time, you can gently pet it.



Playing with the foam rolled up by the waves.


When its hatch, waves around it will play with it, and careful care. Even its body still weak, but still will try something.



Disguise itself by using seaweed around it.


After independence, Waves will dissipate. For protecting oneself,it will Sneak into the surrounding seaweed forest and hide.



 Wave Leafy Sea Dragon thta sheltered by the Ocean.

This is a Wave Leafy Sea Dragon that grew up under the protection of the ocean. It likes to play with other water dragons in the sea grass forest. Sometimes it will acting as a mediator in the sea to help the sea dragon resolve conflicts, and sometimes peeking out from the sea to observe the scenery of the continent. Because she grew up under the protection of the ocean, the dragon has a strong ability to control water. Her personality is simple and curious, and sometimes you can hold a conch in front of it, and it can watch for a long time.

~~~~~~~~~~~~/////  剧情/Story  /////~~~~~~~~~~~~


In the Deep ocean, Wave Leafy Sea Dragon feel a mysterious force Guiding it forward from a far ways.It travaling trough seagrass forests, through reef groups, and evaded the dangerous attack of abyssal sea dragons. Finialy, it reach this place.This place looks like an altar that built from shells, pearls, and coral reefs, and at center of altar,there are a azure crystal. When Wave Leafy Sea Dragon Touch the crystal, The power spewed out from the crystal forms waves that envelop the surroundings of the Wave Leafy Sea Dragon, making it look like it is wearing a beautiful decoration formed by the waves. It get more better at control water, when it look to altar again, crystal just disappear.  Wave Leafy Sea Dragon know thats is asylum and approve of the ocean.


BY:拉霏尔(East Asia)

댓글 3


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