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Hello, I'm Drakoniza and this is my second dragon that I want to put on contest. I'm sorry for the bad quality, but I hope, you will still like it.

The Crampus Dragon

Egg: ,,This Egg sits in a bag"

It’s an unusual Egg that suddenly appears random before Christmas time. Whoever will adopt it, takes a great risk, as this dragon is not known at all. However, some answers can be found in a long forgotten legend.

Hatch: ,,This Hatch is looking for little dragons"
Once the dragon hatches, it feels an unusual draw towards young dragons, especially to those who badly behave.

Hatchling: ,,This Hatchling scares little dragons and makes them cry"
Finally understanding its purpose in life, the dragon travels across the lands, collects naughty hatchlings and locks them up in a hidden place to where only the Crampus dragon has the key.

Adult: ,,Behave well and don't open the doors! This Adult might lure and take you away"
The Crampus Dragon is a very mysterious dragon. Once a year, in the coldest winter nights, he will carefully sneak around houses and lure bad behaving dragon hatchlings to him. Sadly, for the parents, the Crampus dragon will be successful, if they don't interfere in time. Unlucky dragon hatchlings will get caught, put in the bag and later locked up in a place, where none but the Crampus dragon itself can free them again.

As Crampus is a mythical creature, it is a solitary dragon with a goal of its own: taking away bad behaving dragon hatchlings. It is a feared dragon, but only in the winter season before Christmas.
After Christmas, this dragon disappears and returns to the place, where it keeps the young dragons locked up.
It is possible to summon the Crampus dragon, when someone wants to give an annoying or naughty dragon away. In this case, the Crampus dragon will offer either a very rare item or a dragon hatchling that has been locked up in his house.
It is unlikely to tame this dragon, but if you want to be friends with it, behave well and educate your next offsprings.

Average body shape: 3m/300kg
Food: Unknown
Main discovery area: Unknown
Time of Discovery: Found in winter before Christmas
Species: Crampus Dragon
Element Type: Dark/Dream
Type: Dark Dragon
Gender: Neutral

This dragon has an action, once it becomes an adult:
You can trade a hatchling dragon with “bad” personality like “wild”, for either a very rare item (like moonstone, aura) or for another hatchling from his house that other tames have already given away before.
Notice: hatchlings in his house cannot grow or die.
This action can be done only once a week and only in winter.
However, tamers have the option to give away/donate hatchlings through out the year (there won't be anything in return). These locked up dragons can be then traded for new “bad” hatchlings in winter again.

댓글 1


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