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글쓰기 브랜드 사이트

【️Creator Dragon】Pillow Dragon

※I am Japanese and not good at English, so I use a translation app.



Pillow Dragon



These eggs are filled with cotton.(When found)



This egg is still uncomfortable to sleep in.



It is very soft and difficult to make it stand on its own.
It is hard to distinguish from a normal pillow, but it will die if you throw it or use it for stress relief.



Hutch turns over a lot and fluffs himself up.



Spends most of the day sleeping.
He loves to sleep in his tamer's arms and is happy to be rubbed.



Hatchlings should not lack care to ensure that they are comfortable to touch.



The body gradually lengthens.
It grows frilly and pretty like a mane.They desperately try to resist sleep, but it is unbearable.



It is a dragon that helps tamers to sleep.


Pillow dragons are very touchy and cuddly and lull tamers to sleep.


Pillow dragons need to take care of their bodies so that tamers can sleep comfortably, but if they are not fed with cotton, the contents of their bodies gradually decrease in quality.

However, if too much cotton is fed, the contents will become too dense and hard.



As adults, they will grow to a size where we are more likely to hug them.This is because they will grow to a huggable body size with the help of information about the tamer's body size. 

The softness and quality of the food depends on the amount and type of food the tamer is fed.The basic food is cotton, but try different kinds of feathers and polyethylene pipes. 

Give a pillow dragon to a tamer with insomnia, as sleeping with a pillow dragon will help them fall asleep quickly.




Attribute: Dream

Breed: pillow dragon

Type: bedclothing dragon

Average body size: 1.5m~2.0m/3kg~6kg

Feed: cotton

Areas where it is mainly found: mainly found in safe areas with low humidity.

Time of year when discoverable: found all year round.


Gender differences
female: tassel color purple
Male: tassel color green




Cure insomnia!


Insomniac tamer raised pillow dragon. 

「My dear Master, can't you sleep?Leave it to me!」
Tamer was skeptical, but as soon as he hugged the pillow dragon, he fell asleep. 

「You slept well, didn't you?Sleep with me today, Master!」
After that, Tamer slept with a pillow dragon in his arms every day and was able to cure his insomnia.

댓글 3


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