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드래곤빌리지 컬렉션

글쓰기 브랜드 사이트

Star Catcher dragon

Average body size: 2 ~2,5m / 70 ~ 90 kg

Food: Star fruit

Main discovery area: Mostly found in or around dark forests or on tall trees

Time of discovery: Found all year around, mostly during the summer and when it's dark outside 

Elements: Dark, Light

Type: Star Catcher Dragon 



This egg eminates a bright, almost blinding light. 


This soft egg releases very bright light that looks almost unreal. It gives off ethereal energy



This hatch is fascinated by falling stars. 


The very first time it saw a star fall, this hatch was determined to help others by chasing and catching misbehaving stars.



This hatchling loves chasing stars. 


This young dragon is getting better and better with catching stars. Their small wings are still developing and they're currently only able to glide.



This is a dragon that's very skilled in catching falling stars that threaten the well being of others. 


In the past dragon tamers thought that meteors in the night sky were dragons chasing mischievous stars. Legends and stories were created because of them. During meteor showers, they would hold festivals with large feasts and animal sacrifices to those dragons. Current day tamers didn't believe in the stories that the old folks made, until one day during a chilly summer night a large star crashed in a field and was seen causing chaos. After it was a beautiful shining dragon who was cathing up to the star. It caught it in a matter of seconds, and they realized that the legends about this eerie dragon were, in fact, real. They were all given the name "Star Catcher" and they still chase rebellious stars at night and protect others from them. 




There was once a young brave boy who loved to learn new stuff about dragons. Once as the kid was researching Scarlet dragons in the forest, a large burning Star jumped in front of him. He suddenly felt fear run through his veins, but despite this feeling of dread, he got ready to fight. The star was slowly approaching the boy, who was trying to scare it with yelling and throwing branches at it, but to no avail. All of a sudden a gracious dragon jumped between the kid and the star. The celestial object suddenly began moving quickly in the opposite direction. The dragon gestured to the boy that he should get on its back and hold on tight. When the young kid climbed onto the dragon's back, it felt like he was one with the beautiful beast. The two began chasing the star, with the child controlling the dragon. Not even 20 seconds passed and the star was successfully caught. Seeing the bravery of the boy, the dragon asked him if he wanted to become it's friend and help it with chasing rebellious stars, and the child agreed eagerly. The ethereal beast and the young hero went thought many adventures together and there were legends and stories written about the two.

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