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드래곤빌리지 컬렉션

글쓰기 브랜드 사이트

[Creator Dragon] Mantagon Dragon

Name: Mantagon 
Type: Ray Dragon
Element(s): Water, Light
Potential Location(s): Wrecked Ship, Sky Temple, Crystal Mine
Colors/Forms: Purple, Pink (Female) Blue, Red (Male)




Egg: “This egg has a harmonic aura”
Hatch: "This hatch possesses angelic bubbles"
Hatchling: "This hatchling is in harmony with bubbles"
Adult: "It is a Ray Dragon that is elegant and pure-hearted, always found around bubbles.

Legend says, to see a Mantagon is to witness true peace. 
It is admired for its ability to make bubbles of any shape and size, giving off calming effects when popped. Tamers who often experience stress from caretaking have been known to seek out the Mantagon just for the relaxing properties they produce.

It has been known to intentionally put on a show if it knows it is being watched, creating bubbles in the shape of other dragons and even humans"














Crashing Wave Tranquility


When its ability to calm any creature through its bubbles was discovered, many people began hunting for a Mantagon.


They were bred to be helpers to doctors, able to relax any patient no matter their injury.


But overuse of their bubble abilities made their population numbers scarce.


Now it is only a myth, a tale told by sailors, that when the waters get rough and the seas get deadly, a Mantagon will bless those with pure hearts and give them enough composure to push through their challenges…though no one who says to have experienced this has actually seen the magnificent creature.

댓글 6


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