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드래곤빌리지 컬렉션

글쓰기 브랜드 사이트

Title : [Celestial Seraph]

A majestic celestial dragon (born on the moon) that combines the mystery of the Galaxy with the power and grace of a dragon. It stands tall and proud, with a sleek and slender body covered in shimmering scales that reflect luminous colours. Its body is predominantly white, symbolizing purity and elegance , with accents of gold – yellow tone combined with shades of pink to represent its celestial nature. As this dragon is a celestial being, it does not have a gender and can reproduce its own egg whenever it wants to. The egg drawing is shown below. 

The dragon's head is adorned with a regal crown-like structure, reminiscent of a royalty’s tiara. The tiara is studded with sparkling gems that emit a soft glow, mimicking the appearance of the moon. Two large, expressive eyes, filled with wisdom and compassion, shine with the radiance of the stars.

The Celestial Seraph's wings are expansive and feathery, resembling the graceful wings of an angel. Each feather is iridescent and luminescent, changing colour as the dragon moves. The wings possess a breath taking aura that illuminates its surroundings, casting a magical glow wherever it flies. aura that illuminates its surroundings, casting a magical glow wherever it flies.

The dragon's tail extends gracefully, adorned with flowing gold and yellow ribbons. The ribbons trail behind the dragon, swirling and twirling as if caught in a gentle breeze. 

The Celestial Seraph possesses powerful magical abilities. It can harness the energy of the moon, stars, and galaxies, channelling these celestial powers to create dazzling displays of light and energy. It can also unleash beams of pure energy from its tiara. Furthermore, this dragon have the ability to absorb and borrow other dragon’s power and abilities, this dragon will only activate this ability when it detects injustice and wrong. This dragon will always fight for justice.  


The Celestial Seraph embodies the qualities of a true guardian and protector. It is compassionate, wise, and always ready to defend those in need. Despite its immense power, it is gentle and kind-hearted, fostering a sense of hope and inspiration in others.



댓글 2


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