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드래곤빌리지 컬렉션

글쓰기 브랜드 사이트

Checkered Dragon



This egg has a checkered pattern.




It often follows the smell of food.




Don't let this dragon eat too much, It'll keep eating to its hearts content.


It's high sense of smell will cause a Checkered dragon to wander, following it's nose in the possibility of delicious food. Likely a burger and fries.




This dragon uses its bizarre pattern to confuse and throw off foes, as it's hard to pinpoint what body part is where.


A Checkered dragon loves to visit retro diners, finding the environment comforting and fun. The food will keep them returning over and over, even if it isn't the best. They're there for the feeling a diner gives.


Some say the Checkered dragon was the inspiration for the design of the Clockwork dragon, but as of now that theory hasn't been proven.




The Checkered dragon walked into a diner, the smell of fresh food flying around her. She happily walked over to the counter, an excited smile on her face. 


“Two burgers, fries, some onion rings and a smoothie please!”


"Ah, the usual?"


Said the waitress, watching as the dragon she sees nearly every day sit down. The dragon happily nodded before beginning to wait, looking to the side at the music box. Old classics always played on that thing, making the place feel all the more stuck in the past. 


Her tail swang side to side as she sat in wait, till she could smell her food was being made. The Checkered dragon almost couldn't hold her excitement for something to eat, since they've been busy with helping their trainer. A dragon behind her was waltzing by and tripped on her tail, stumbling before catching themselves. The Checkered dragon turned around to quickly apologize.


“Oh- I'm so sorry! I haven't been paying attention to my surroundings… that's on me.”


The dragon that nearly tripped over shook their head, knowing it was merely an accident. No need to make a big fuss.


“It's alright, I wasn't looking were I was going! Looks like we're both guilty. Say, mind if I sit with you? You seem like a kind dragon.”


The Checkered dragon happily nodded to this request, their conversation quickly picking up and taking them seemingly anywhere. She almost didn't notice her food due to their talking, but that didn't last long.







Extra information:


Females are the common one, with their ears resting against their shoulders and chest. Males however have ears pointed upwards.


This is mostly for the key art then anything.

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