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드래곤빌리지 컬렉션

글쓰기 브랜드 사이트

[Creator Dragon] Porcelain Dragon

My IGN: Scavenger


This egg is cool and smooth to the touch.



This hatch enjoys hiding in dishes and pots.



The hatchling has acquired a taste for handmade pottery and green tea.



These elusive dragons are the embodiment of the work and soul put into handcrafted pottery and thus are drawn to such pieces. They have a deep appreciation for anything from bowls to cups to vases and will hoard them into their treasure trove. Only those who feel a strong creative connection with the world can approach these dragons but they make for loyal and well-mannered company. One surefire way to befriend one of these creatures is to offer them a lovely handmade teapot, but it works even better to offer one a drink of tea from said teapot as they are particularly fond of green tea.

Despite their fragile appearance, they are quite resilient and protective as well as possessing the ability to be repaired with spare pieces of pottery or kaolin clay. Because of this they are rather fearless and can become quite ferocious if anything threatens their treasures or rare companions. They are known to appear if an old friend is on their deathbed to offer up a piece of their most treasured hoard. These items are often kept as family heirlooms for generations and it is said that any family in possession of one of these artifacts will remain under the protection of that porcelain dragon forever. Thus these artifacts are often found having been repaired many times over by the hands of many skilled craftsmen. It is even rumored that each time it is broken and repaired the porcelain guardian becomes more powerful as it becomes connected to the spirits of every person who repairs the artifact.


Bonus Action?: 


The porcelain dragon becomes more beautiful and ever stronger as it is broken and then repaired. 


Using this dragon in a battle (Gap of Chaos/Colosseum?) gives a low chance for it to be damaged, giving it the action “Repair”. Using this action will change its form into the [Kintsugi] form and boost all stats making it a formidable opponent.


How to Aquire?:

The porcelain dragon is found by acquiring a rare heirloom that has a chance to drop in Gap of Chaos / Is a reward for Colosseum (Would allow for many future color variants). 


댓글 3


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