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드래곤빌리지 컬렉션

글쓰기 브랜드 사이트

Creator Dragon: Berry Dragon

Berry Dragon


Egg: This egg is tart and fruity

Hatch: The hatch points to it's open mouth and then to the berries in your hand. (Hope you have berries)

Hatchling: The Berry Dragon bloomed it's first sprout and is waiting eagerly to be praised!

Adult: Grateful for the care and love given as you raised them, the Berry Dragon blesses your fields with a eternal harvest (Hope you have fields)

The Berry dragon emerges from it's egg with a ravenous appetite for berries. For this, it is often treated more like a pest than a guest by farmers at hatch stage, with it's destructive hunger that cleans out their fields. The bulb at the end of the hatch's tail is heavy and used as a crude club. Combined with sharp claws, it uses these to defend itself because of the common (and reasonable) dislike towards it. 
By Hatchling stage they are more welcomed, due to their now learned ability to bloom sprouts. They still crave lots of berries, but do so in moderation. Using their magic to grow the buds on the bushes they've picked berries from.
A full grown Berry Dragon is a blessing to be visited by any berry farmer. When offered a basket of fresh, ripe harvest, the Berry Dragon will bless the entire berry field. Fields blessed by a Berry Dragon stay fruit full through all seasons, including winter.


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