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드래곤빌리지 컬렉션

글쓰기 브랜드 사이트

Bernard (remake)


 Area of discovery: rainbow garden


Food: apples


 This egg is brave as a bear. These eggs are usually found in any climate and any time of they, but they do take different forms in different times of day. They are highly protected by their mothers. No one knows where the bandana came from.



(Bernard normal form)


This hatch is very playful. Once bernards are born. They gain a sense of playing and become playful due to that. They are full of energy all the time. They are now wearing the bandana that they had on their egg.

(Midnight form)


This hatch wishes to be an excellent hunter. The fur on bernard hatchs have changed if they are born on the brightest nights. They are rarely seen in daylight. They eyes become black except pupils


(Day form)


This hatch is often found bathing in the sunlight. This hatch on the other side with their counterpart their midnight form. They are always found while the sun is out . they are not always found while its nightime. This eggs were once praised as messangers from the sun that were brought to the land to bless all dragons and tamers

 This hatchling is getting more mature while time passes. These hatchlings have gained a sense of maturity. Always thinking before they act. They are more calmer than their younger self. They are often seen admiring butterflies!

(Midnight form)


This hatchling has become gloomy.they have grown up and started to become wise but yet… gloomy. They desire the praise their counterpart gets. Though they cover this up. In rare cases. They show up in daylight to also admire butterflies

(Day form)


These eggs have a mote fanatical obsessesion than normal bernard hatchlings over butterflies. These have become more confident and thoughtful. They have become the symbol of calmness and curiosity

This adult bernard praises to the sun. They are now an adult. They now praise their day form. They believe that they are more superior than them. They are also more wiser. 

(Midnight form)


These adult bernards are more wiser. They have also grown an appreciation for they day form. They are nocturnal and are seen hunting at night. Always beware of their howls. If you hear continuous howls… get out of that place.

(Day form)


This adult bernard is more wiser than their midnight form. These adult bernards are considered to be more superior than their other forms. Most packs that are a variation of their forms are often lead by a adult day form bernard.




3 bernard pups were playing. One named. Sunlight. The second named constellation. And the other named monarch. They always played near an area that are filled with butterflies.


"Youll never catch me!"  Sunlight said. 


“You are not that hard to see!” Monarch said. 


(Soonly midnight pounced on sunlight)


“You all are slow!” Midnight said.


(They all laughed so hard that they started hearing a strange noise that sounded like a bird's wings flapping. Soonly a swarm of butterflies appeared out of nowhere.)


“This one is a goldmine!” Monarch said.


(Soonly they chased the butterflies. Happily persuing them.)


“Awww they are all gone!” Midnight said. 


(Soonly they heard voices that sounded familiar. It was their parents. They knew their playtime was over.)


“Can we stay a little bit more?”  The three of them said. 


(But they soonly got interrupted by bernard that looked like sunlight's father.)


“You know we are more superior to your kind, you cant risk to hurt someone that is more superior than you” dusk said.


“Superior? She is one of us! We are all the same! We are just different colors!” Midnight said.


(soonly a voice interrupted midnight)


“Listen to dusk. My son. His lineage is from the sun. They are messangers from the star that we see with our eyes. They have more knowledge than us.” His mother. Jewel said.


“ you shall listen too monarch. Jewel is right.” monarch's mother. Ant said


“But is that just a superstition. If you came from the sun. Wouldnt you just burn everything?” Sunlight asked. 




(Soonly dusk got interrupted by midnight) 


“ if you are so wise. If there was a NORMAL bernard pup. Would you save IT?” midnight said angrily.


“ well young pup i will uhh…” 


“Thats not knowledge! Thats just natural selection!” Monarch said




“ you may have a point monarch” two of the bernard mothers agreed with eachother.


“Maybe we are all the same” ant said




“Dusk we are all the same! Maybe we should change that rule…" jewel said.


“I guess soo.. Maybe thats just a lie that they taught us as little kids ” dusk said


(Soonly they finally convinced their pack that everyone is the same. Now their pack is considered the only one that doesnt praise their day form.)




댓글 1


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