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글쓰기 브랜드 사이트

colerful ink dragon(무지개 물감 용?)

special thanks: ㅅH롬、阿鈴

이건 제 전 계정(google)입니다.(지금은 apple 계정입니다) 전에 있던 작품에 대한 설명입니다


Character Setting: This dragon wears a scarf made of ink around its neck. As its mood changes, ink spheres form around it, with a maximum of up to 9 appearing simultaneously in adulthood. When suddenly experiencing intense emotions or sensations, the dragon undergoes uncontrollable color changes, much like a chameleon. Conversely, during normal times, it can autonomously control the color of its ink to adorn itself. The water spheres on its horns are used to clean the ink. It has yellow cross-shaped markings on its forehead and thighs, symbolizing light, as all colors are derived from light. When these markings glow, the ink takes on a fluorescent effect. The tail, made of brush-like material, can absorb ink to express its emotions through painting. The dragon's primary focus is to bring happiness to others through art, considering it the most valued pursuit.

캐릭터 설정: 이 용은 목 주위에 잉크로 만든 스카프를 착용하고 있습니다. 기분이 변함에 따라 주위에 잉크 구체가 형성되며, 성인이 되면 최대 9개가 동시에 나타날 수 있습니다. 강렬한 감정이나 감각을 갑자기 경험할 때 용은 카멜레온과 같이 제어할 수 없는 색 변화를 겪습니다. 반면에 일상적인 시간에는 잉크의 색상을 자율적으로 조절하여 스스로를 장식할 수 있습니다. 뿔에 있는 물 구체는 잉크를 청소하는 데 사용됩니다. 이 용은 이마와 허벅지에 노란 십자 모양의 표식이 있으며, 이는 모든 색상이 빛에서 유래되기 때문에 빛을 상징합니다. 이러한 표식이 빛나면 잉크가 형광 효과를 나타냅니다. 브러시 모양의 꼬리는 감정을 표현하기 위해 잉크를 흡수할 수 있습니다. 이 용의 주요 초점은 예술을 통해 다른 이들에게 행복을 전하고, 이를 가장 중요한 추구로 여깁니다.

平均身高1.2m~1.8m / 平均體重80~130kg 


Average height: 1.2m~1.8m / Average weight: 80~130kg
Feed: Colorful pulp berries
Main Discovery Region: Mainly found in areas filled with colorful berry clusters.
Discovery Time: It can be found throughout the year, with its main activity during the night.

蛋介紹: 這是蛋 蛋的周圍被色彩繽紛的墨水包圍著

Egg Introduction: This egg is surrounded by ink. 
Egg Description: This is an egg surrounded by colorful ink.

幼體介紹: 一個生命誕生了 牠從小有著清水製成的圍巾 脖子上的圍巾與牠的經歷相呼應,或許在成長中能增添更多的色彩在圍巾上,牠有著一對角能夠產出清澈的水珠,牠總是希望帶給大家歡樂

Juvenile Introduction: It is filled with curiosity about the world.
Juvenile Description: A life is born. From a young age, it wears a scarf made of clear water. The scarf around its neck resonates with its experiences, perhaps adding more colors to the scarf as it grows. It has a pair of horns that can produce clear water droplets, and it always wishes to bring joy to everyone.

亞成年介紹:牠經歷了許多從而讓圍巾變的繽紛了 牠的經歷使他的圍巾變得多彩,同時在身邊出現了紅黃青三色的水球代表著牠的 熱血的經歷、歡愉的經歷 、難受的經歷。在夜晚時牠身上的十字能夠發光而墨水也會跟著發光。
Subadult Introduction: Its scarf becomes colorful.
Subadult Description: It has undergone many experiences, making its scarf vibrant. Its experiences have turned its scarf into a colorful display, with red, yellow, and blue water orbs appearing around it, representing its passionate, joyful, and challenging experiences. At night, the cross on its body can emit light, and the ink will also glow accordingly.



Adult Introduction: This dragon, through various emotions and experiences, has formed a new palette of colors. Deeply understanding the grim reality, it gives rise to ink spheres of gray, expressing emotions with a vibrant array of colors, while offering solace and protection to others. It sees bringing color to others' worlds, illuminating paths, and easing scars as a mission of utmost importance in life.

Story: In times of people's lows, it uses a colorful emblem to guide them to its dwelling. Using water produced from its horn, it washes away the traces. It provides one-on-one counseling, offering personalized artworks as a "prescription." Afterwards, it creates a new emblem to guide them back. Like a doctor, it does everything it can to help people live happier lives. Simultaneously traveling and counseling, it gains more and more colors (experiences) to create.

Utilization of Abilities:



It is attempting to make the ink glow.


It is generating clear water.


Thank you all for watching

한국어로 번역하면: "모두 감사합니다."

🥞阿鈴大大  大作分享專區🥞

art Sharing (Not Created by Myself)

art by阿鈴(The Creator of Waffle Dragon)🥞:

The painting is really fluffy and cute, isn’t it? I really want to hug it.



special evolution

Although this feature has not been implemented yet, I have drawn a diagram as a reference.



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