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[Beauty and Chaos] Sundara Yavasthe by EXA


Description: "This egg shape is irreal" 

“This egg is covered by false feathers and is imposible to be touch. Only If you can trap a storm, drown a flood or tame an earthquake you will be able to touch it... unless it decides for unknown reasson to show in front of you”.


Hatch Description: "This hatch presents chaos"

“The grown of this beeing is false as it's aperience, in this phase it shows the chaos that conforms itself. It apreciates the night and the stars where it came from”.



Description: "This hatchling presents beauty"

"The grown of this beeing is false as it's aperience, in this phase it shows the beauty that conforms itself. It likes to pay atention to the beautyful little details as a simple flower or a peaceful instant"


Description: "This is an outside beeing"

“In this phase it presents in it's aperience on a way of synchrony bouth natures that conforms it. Is unknow the reasons of why it is with you”.


This beeing Was the created by an unknown outsider entiyi that choose the chaos itself as well as the beauty that used to be apart of each other. The outsider forged a new concept with bouth of those; it is the reason of why we observe "the beauty in chaos" on the universe, if it wasn't like that, do we were able to even look at the night sky?. It for unknown reasons time to time apears in the shape of an egg from the stars and the shape of a dragon".


Species: Sundara Yabasthe.

Type: Unknown.

Elemental type: Dream/Dark.

Gender: Neutral.



Meditate: Good! 

Starbust: Excellent!!

Play: i'm tired..

Sleep: Fair

Wash: hmm..

Pat: Great!


Where to find: Altar of darkness.


Note: Special ability, the ability is called “chaotic destinys”:

It can change personalities of only hatchlings; you can select wich personality you want of the options that the hatchling has and is 100% you'll get the selected one, after use you will have to wait 20days of cooldown and the personality "can not be changed anymore" for any metod (another Sundara Yabasthe's ability, Lunera's ability or moon stone).

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