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Creator Dragon Entry: Selkie Dragon

Full Reference Sheet + Descriptions











Description: This egg has a spotted pelt.


Lore: A Selkie Dragon takes great care in deciding where it wishes to have its egg as its beginning birthplace, often being drawn to colorful coral reefs or pearly white glaciers. The egg is then watched over by the parents closely until it hatches. It’s said that the parents of the egg act quite aggressively towards others that approach their kin, mostly due to having eggs stolen by malicious sailors at sea.







Description: This hatch is very playful.


Lore: Hatches of Selkie Dragons are referred to as “pups”, similar to that of a seal. These pups are fully of curiosity and energy, swimming up to boats at sea to get a closer look at them. Sometimes, they even travel far from home to follow these boats to land, occasionally getting lost in the process. At this age, they tend to play with one another for hours on end until they tire themselves out, where they huddle up and sleep with one another to retain warmth.







Description: This hatchling is capable of hunting on its own.


Lore:  After reaching a certain age, a Selkie Dragon goes off on its own to live in relative solitude, rarely being seen with others of its kind. Due to them still being young, they take this time to learn their survival skills first hand, practicing to hunt, swim, and maneuver throughout the vast sea efficiently. Selkie Dragons also start to take into account their own appearance at this age, and often enjoy accessorizing themselves in a fashionable manner, taking what they have in their surroundings and using it. Fallen jewelry at the bottom of the ocean, pearls, shells, kelp, and more are all up for grabs. Some of these dragons that take their appearance as priority even will steal from others, wanting to look as beautiful as possible.







Description: The Selkie Dragon is seen as an illusive being, with it being spotted in the wild very rarely. It’s said that this dragon would guide sailors lost at sea back to shore. From the accounts of the sailors, they describe the Selkie Dragon’s appearance as being akin to that of a seal, donning themselves with accessories from the sea. Some even say they’ve seen a few of these dragons with different patterns or colors of fur. White, brown, blue, black, gray, spotted, solid colored, etc are all some of the descriptions that the sailors gave. Oddly enough, all the accounts line up with a single aspect in each telling, these encounters would all happen at night. Some have come to speculate that the Selkie Dragons are nocturnal because of this, but others argue that they use the cover of night to hide themselves. 

Lore: These dragons tend to get together on nights of a full moon, to bask together on the shore beneath the moonlight and sing in a choir. The melody, although strange, is oddly considered as beautiful by those who’ve had the exclusive chance of hearing it. Tied to this behavior, a myth has gone around that the kin of Selkie Dragons born on this night would bear a pure white tint of fur in relation to the moon. In a contrasting behavior, the rare lunar eclipse that would occur, which had the Selkie Dragons gather with each other again to sing a different, more eerie song, resulted in a similar myth that the babies of the dragon born on this night would don a midnight black pelt with starry spots of white. Neither of these myths have been confirmed, and most just believe that it’s a made up story to tie into the mysterious behavior of these dragons.

There’s only been one true specimen of each of these odd patterns being spotted in the wild under these conditions, both coming from the same researcher. Most believed for them to be a liar though, since they couldn’t bring back any true evidence. A moon hatch with eyes of an abyss, and an eclipse hatch with eyes of pure light was considered too absurd to be real. The only true evidence people seemed to go off of was a single photo taken of the moon hatch, though it was too blurry to make out, and again, was dismissed as fake.



Story: Moon Melody


On a night at sea, cold and dark 

A researcher went to go and embark 

To find a dragon oh so strange

That most couldn’t get photos at a close range.


That night, under the moonlight’s glare 

The researcher has their eyes everywhere, 

‘But still no sight for the dragon to be

The researcher soon gave up on hopes of glee


Until they heard the song of two voices

Out so far from shore

A Moon Melody so enchanting

It wasn’t in the slightest a bore


To their amazement and joy they saw a pair of two

The dragons they’ve been searching, dragons they wish not to bid adieu.


One dragon with the light of the moon, the other the darkness of the eclipse,

sat together on a single stone, singing out into the ocean abyss.

It wasn’t long until they were noticed, the researcher meeting their gaze,

They had their camera ready in hand, a camera with eyes like a maze.


But the researcher was too late, the two dived into the sea

Click! Click! Went the sound of the camera,

‘But the photo was too blurry to be.


And so the researcher knew what they saw, a tale they try to have told,

‘But no one believed them, no one at all

And the researcher’s claims were dismissed as their ego being too bold…




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