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드래곤빌리지 컬렉션

글쓰기 브랜드 사이트

Altru Dragon


A dragon that is half-ghost that was unable to disappear when their tamer with their other dragons passed away in a tragic accident. A spell was cast onto Altru to survive and live on as the new right-hand partner to a another aspiring tamer in the future.

Altru loses physical form progressively as it ages and so does other Altru offspring.

Altru value their tamer and always stay by their side. If they are put into the shelter, they are guaranteed to follow you after the first attempt. Altru have difficulty opening up and trusting new tamers, but if an especially kind tamer comes across them, they will know, and protect them just as they did their original tamer.

Altru have been used to tell the difference between a good-hearted person, and an evil-hearted person. When presented to someone with good intentions, Altru's blue eye will glow, and it's orange eye will glow in front of someone with bad intentions.



Body Type: 1.5~1.8m / 40.8~56.5kg

Food: homemade desserts

Major Discovery Area: Mainly found in areas with distress.

Time of Discovery: Found all year, all times.

Species: Altru Dragon

Element Type: dream, wind

Type: Spirit Dragon

(Eye Colors: right is blue, left is orange (female eye colors are swapped))



Description: This egg holds many memories.


Can be found in areas where there are people needing help. With only a tattered hooded scarf and medallion wrapped around this egg, it is often ignored and even abandoned by tamer's for appearing strange. The single blue ring on the egg's horn is permanent and cannot be removed. This ring will glow once the egg acknowledges their new tamer who accepts them.



When young, Altru have difficulty opening up and trusting new tamers, but if an especially kind tamer comes across them, they will know, and protect them just as they did their original tamer. Hatches are very attention-needy and will beg to have the chance to play.



Hatchlings will start to help people more frequently, they remember their original tamer's way of helping those in need. They will use their eyes to tell what someone is trying to do, and help those in need, and stop those with greed.



As grown adults, Altru will have collected more rings on it's horns, a sort of proof of the people and creatures they helped, good and converted bad to good. Altru will always keep the medallion around its neck close, since it's the last gift still present from the first tamer. That original tamer's image can be seen only by Altru and other tamer's on that medallion.




“The Forgotten Dragon Who Never Lost It's Kindness”



“Hey, look over here! I'm right over here!”

This dragon thought, but knew deep down that they were now transparent.


It's hasn't always been like this, I used to have a physical form. Now all I am is an apparition. Nothing more than a hollow phantom of what used to be.


I used to have a tamer, but they're forever gone in this world, and so will I as time passes…


And yet, I still wish to find that one person who can see me. Who wants to see me. That person who will find me, and accept my current form.


All I ask for in return is to hold the memories of our time together deep in your heart. I will etch it forever in mine. Even if all I can offer is my company, will you stay?

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