This is the jelly bun dragon egg, when the player finds it the description will say “This Egg has bunny ears”
This is the jelly bun dragon hatch, the description would be “During the night the spots on the body glow”
The jelly bun hatchling, the description would be “The hatchling uses its wing to swim underwater”
This is the jelly bun adult! the description would be
"Its the jelly bun dragon that uses its spots to glow in the dark to attract prey.
When the dragon become to weak or injured, it will retreat far into the ocean to then revert itself back into the egg stage, to protect itself from further harm. It retains all its memory when it hatches again and beings the growing stage once again. To communicate with other of its kind the spots on its tail fins will flicker in different patterns, each pattern is unique to its emotion. Once bonded to its trainer, instead of returning to the ocean if its hurt to revert back to its egg, they will go to their trainer to revert knowing they're safe with them.
This dragon can usually be found traveling in large groups, the leader typically having the largest ‘Bunny’ like ears."
This dragon would be a water light type dragon.
i based it off of moon jelly fish, sea bunny, and how it reverts back to its egg on the immortal jellyfish who can do something very similar.