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Wanderer Updates and Opening the Goblin Market Regularly

Greetings, This is Dragon Village Collection Dev Team.


Feedbacks for the Last Developer Notes


We’ve heard a lot of feedback from Tamers regarding Personalising Exploration area since the last Developer notes. We will do our best to keep the fun of getting rare Dragons and the value of Dragons from the Exploration area.


Some Dragons species in Exploration of the Sky Kingdom, season 3, will have their exclusive special form called it as “Celestial Form”. This particular form can only be obtained from Exploration and Breed at very rare chances. We expect that this will allow you to create your own Dragon Lineage.


Remember the time when the Deep Sea Square was updated and it really set the tone for the new season? Many of you were disappointed about the Deep Sea Square being removed. However, the Deep Sea Square caused some confusion listed below.
1. What kind of quests should be done first.
2. In which Square should the quests be done.
3. New Tamers were also confused about playstyle at the very beginning, since it directly connected to the Deep Sea Square.
We also understand that existing Tamers were also frustrated to have decent communication since Yutakan and the Deep Sea were separated.


To conclude that, there will be no Square in Season 3, the Sky Kingdom. Furthermore, there will also be changing the main quests, which can all be completed in the Exploration area without visiting NPC.


Now we would like to share with you the upcoming changes in August to the Wanderer’s trading system and the re-opening of the Goblin Market.
Please note that Not all contents in Developer Note are confirmed and subject to change at any time, so we would like to ask for your patience.



Wanderer’s Contents Update


July’s Wanderer-Exclusive Dragon, Charlotte Dragon


We are also acknowledged that Tamers have been disappointed. Because Tamers look forward to seeing this month’s Wanderer-Exclusive Dragon, however, there are only dragons that you can find elsewhere. Especially, Jump Dragon only appeared twice in June and we are also aware that Tamer’s got disappointed about it.


We’ve thought that this issue would keep happening unless Wanderer’s system has been updated. Therefore, from August’s Wanderer, Only 1 Wanderer-Exclusive New Dragon will appear in 2 weeks, and this Dragon is scheduled to appear at least once a week confirmed.


Stay tuned for upcoming Notice for more details and changes of Wanderer.



Return of the Goblin Market


The Goblin Market’s Mascot, Goblin Dragon


We would like to announce that the Goblin Market, an eventual auction contents of last April, will return to see Tamers again. We have also received a lot of interest from Tamers regarding Adult Dragons, which were previously untradeable in the Goblin Market but became tradeable afterwards.


There were some untradeable Dragon species in last Goblin Market. However, the updated Goblin Market will allow any dragons, that is over 100 days from the date of discovery, to be listed in the Goblin Market.


Official Goblin Market will only be open for a week, and maximum 5 Dragons can be listed in each season. New season of Goblin Market will be held every 3 months.


The New Goblin Market will return in August, so please stay tuned.

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