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[Event] Special Gifts to Celebrate Being Featured on Google Play!

Greetings, Tamers!
This is the Dragon Village Collection team.


Thanks to all of our Tamers’ love and support,
Dragon Village Collection has been featured globally on Google Play!


We sincerely appreciate all of our Tamers who have been playing the game. 
And so, we decided to give out special gifts to commemorate this very moment!


▣ Details


■ Period 
- 9/3 (Sun), 2023, 03:00 - 9/11 (Mon) 00:00 (UTC)


■ Reward
- 3 [Pino’s Vitamins(72h)] will be given out to all Tamers who get in-game within the period mentioned above.
- Those special gifts can be claimed at your mail.


We hope you continue to support Dragon Village Collection and stick around with us!


Thank you.

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