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[Event] Signature Festival Event Notice



Dragon Village Collection here.

A fresh and adorable new look! The [Signature Festival Event] is now underway!
Meet new Signature dragons with unique designs.

Please refer to the details below.


■ Event Period
- 11/16/2023 (Thu) 00:00–11/28/2023 (Tues) 00:00 (UTC)

 * Event Item Exchange Period: 11/16/2023 (Thu) 00:00–11/29/2023 (Wed) 00:00 (UTC)


■ Update Highlights

만화 영화, 클립아트, 애니메이션, 일러스트레이션이(가) 표시된 사진

자동 생성된 설명


1. Signature Festival Event 1:  Enhanced Daily Quests!
 - Receive a Signature Card every time you clear a daily quest!
 - Signature Cards can be exchanged for various items.


2. Signature Festival Event 2: Find Hidden Signature Cards!
 - Acquire Signature Cards as additional rewards from Treasure Boxes in the Square.
 - Collect up to 10 Signature Cards per day, with the daily count resetting at 00:00 (UTC).


3. Signature Festival Event 3: Festival Exchange!
 - Use the Signature Cards you've earned from each event to earn a variety of rewards!
 - Visit the Signature event building in the Square or click on the event banner to access the exchange.

  1) Item Exchange Period
 - 11/16/2023 (Thu) 00:00–11/29/2023 (Wed) 00:00 (UTC)

  2) Item List

 * Exchange items are instantly provided, with the exception of dragons, which are delivered to your Mail.
 * Dragons with Signature Forms cannot be transferred to the Shelter or traded.

4. Signature Festival Special Shop - Event Eggs

만화 영화, 애니메이션, 클립아트, 일러스트레이션이(가) 표시된 사진

자동 생성된 설명

 - A special "Caretaker God Dragon" product, exclusively available during the event, will be available for purchase.
 - Breeding Caretaker God Dragons may reveal their unique hidden form.

 * Sale Period:  11/16/2023 (Thu) 00:00–11/29/2023 (Wed) 00:00 (UTC)
 * The Caretaker God Dragon is limited to the 2023 Signature Festival and will not be resold afterwards.
 * Caretaker Dragons can be traded starting from Gen 2.

5. 2 Signature Festival Event Limited Bundles!
 - Two exclusive 'Signature Festival Event Limited Bundles' will be available for purchase.

 * Sale Period:  11/16/2023 (Thu) 00:00–11/28/2023 (Tues) 00:00 (UTC)
 * Purchase Limit: Unlimited

 1) Signature Festival Event Limited Bundle 1
  ➀ Sale Price: 4.99$

  ② Purchase Limit: Unlimited
  ③ Contents: Caretaker God Dragon Egg Box (M/F option available), 200 Signature Cards

 2) Signature Festival Event Limited Bundle 2
  ➀ Sale Price: 4.99$

  ② Purchase Limit: Unlimited
  ③ Contents: 500 Signature Cards

6. Signature Festival Cave Decor
 - The Signature Festival 2023 Background and Slate, exclusive to the Signature Festival event, will be available for purchase.
 * Sale Period: 11/16/2023 (Thu) 00:00–11/29/2023 (Wed) 00:00 (UTC)

Come enjoy the Signature Festival event with us!

Thank you!

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