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[Creator Dragon] Athena's Dragon

Athena's Dragon

Body type : 2.3m-2.7m / 170kg-200kg

Food : Olive

Major discovery area : Found in areas with many olive trees

Time of discovery : Found all year round at all times

Egg form

This egg has an owl egg on it.

Hatch form

The hatch loves its wool blanket

Hatchling form

This hatchling likes to play with its owl friend

Adult form

It is a powerful dragon that was chosen by the goddess of war and wisdom herself.

Its strength is said to be the strongest amongst other dragons chosen by the gods. It attacks using its claw and tail. It can summon shields and spears blessed by the goddess of war. It uses the shields and spears using its tail. The owl also helps it tracks its enemies. Legend said that it helped its goddess on the fight against the darkness.

After the war ends, this dragon helps people and other dragons with its wisdom and strength. It can also help others judge by being a rightful judge. The golden balance on its tail can be used to judge humans and dragons. After being helped, you can repay it with jewelries, handcrafted items, and olives. Another thing it can do is help humans and animals transport, you can ride it on its back. 


Gender difference : Horn shape difference, these drawings are the female version


Lore :

Once Athena the goddess of wisdom and war was walking on a forest then she came across a dragon egg that almost died. She then took it and cared it, when it hatched it turned to be a new kind of dragon. Hence she named it with her own name "Athena".

She raised it as her own children. As her closest dragon, the dragon likes to mimic Athena's. It seems to inherit Athena's traits. Such as her favorite things and her wisdom, also her strength.

After the war ends, Athena and the other Gods left. The dragon then continues to help bless the world with its power and wisdom. It is said that the dragon can still communicate with her until now.

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