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Ace Fishing: Crew

Ace Fishing: Crew


Aug. 23rd Known Issue Notice


Hello, Anglers.


We have identified the following issue after the v1.2.0 update and would like to provide you with the details:


■ Known Issue

- An issue where some of the enhanced boat renovation property values planned for the upcoming v1.3.0 update were applied.


We will hold temporary maintenance to adjust the enhanced boat renovation properties acquired through the v1.2.0 update

to match the adjusted values that were planned for the v1.3.0 update.


<Boat Renovation Properties to be Adjusted>

- Big Fish Property (%)

- All Crew Members' ATK (%)

- All Crew Members' AGI (%) 

- All Crew Members' HP (%) 

- All Crew Members' DEF (%)

- Supporter's Skill DMG (%)


We apologize for any confusion caused by the issue.

We will provide further details regarding the temporary maintenance through a separate announcement.


Thank you for understanding.

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