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Ace Fishing: Crew

Ace Fishing: Crew


[Notice] Double Increase Issue with Boat Renovation Stats Resolved

Hello, Anglers.

While adjusting boat renovation stats after the v1.2.0 update, we identified the issue where some users experienced double boosting of their boat renovation stats.
We have taken measures to resolve this issue and adjust the stats for those affected by the increased stats.


▶ Resolved Time: Aug. 25th 3:30am PDT


<Boat Renovation Properties Adjusted>
: Big Fish Property (%)
: All Crew Members' ATK (%)
: All Crew Members' AGI (%)
: All Crew Members' HP (%)
: All Crew Members' DEF (%)
: Supporter's Skill DMG (%)


· The adjusted stats will be automatically applied without requiring a game restart. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this issue since the update. We will do our best to deliver smoother gaming services to you.

Thank you for understanding.

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