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Ace Fishing: Crew

Ace Fishing: Crew


Aug. 17th Data Patch Notice


Hello, Anglers.


We would like to inform you of the data patch applied to resolve some issues below.


■ Patch Date & Time

- Aug. 17th 7am PDT

* Please restart the game to apply the changes from the patch. 


■ Patch Details

- Auto Fishing Reward Error Fixed

: An issue where the Auto Fishing rewards, Account EXP and Level-up Points, were given in lesser amounts than intended when manually clearing a stage lower than the highest cleared Story stage has been resolved.


※ This issue does not occur when clearing stages with Sweep.

※ We have sent [Diamond x1,000] to your Inbox as compensation for the error. The compensation can be claimed until Aug. 23rd 7:59am PDT upon login.


- Product names have been changed.

: The "Daily Diamond I" product will be renamed "Ad Removal Package".

: The "Daily Diamond II" product will be renamed "Daily Diamond".


We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.


We will do our best to provide a smooth gaming experience.


Thank you for understanding.​

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