[New Year Special Surprise Coupon - Day 5]
Day 5 Coupon Now Available!
All surprise coupons have all been revealed now!
Make sure to redeem all coupons before they expire!

- Coupon Code: HAPPYASNIA
- Coupon Rewards: Luxurious Gift x10
- Coupon Availability: Available until Jan. 11, 3:59 PM PST / 11:59 PM UTC
- Web Coupon Exchange Center: https://coupon.withhive.com/2376
- Each coupon can be redeemed once per CS Code.
- For accounts with multiple servers, coupons can only be applied to one server.
- Coupon rewards are sent to your Mailbox.
- If you’re unable to redeem coupon codes in-game, please visit the Web Coupon Exchange Center.