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드래곤빌리지 컬렉션

글쓰기 브랜드 사이트

[Creator Dragon] Snail Dragon

Species: Snail Dragon
Type: Slow Dragon
Element: Earth

Food: Flower Petals
Area of Discovery: Found in flower beds
Time of Discovery: All year, most common in Spring
Height/Weight: 1.3~1.5m / 90~120kg

"This egg is slowly growing moss."
This egg is always growing moss on top of it from laying in garden beds. It will act as the shell for the future dragon, only growing slightly after the hatch grows.


"This hatch likes to hide deep in its shell."

This hatch is constantly hiding away in its shell, as it is at constant risk of predation and harm outside of it. Its body is very slimy and will leave a trail wherever it goes.


"This hatchling is coming out of its shell."

Having gotten bigger, this hatchling has outgrown its shell hiding spot and has begun growing spikes for defense against other predators. It is more sociable, and has begun searching out a spot to garden with its modified antenna.


"The Snail Dragon has been growing spikes along its shell for defense against more brutal dragons, as its slow speed makes it an easy target. It is considered a gentle giant and is most often found tending to lush garden landscapes. It can tell when flowers are about to wilt and die, and will often cut and press them before that happens."

Having it's shell completley covered in sharp spikes, this dragon gets straight to work gardening with little fear of predators trying to hunt it. Its now modified antenna can sense changes in the soil and find the best place to plant seeds and saplings. Gardeners and farmers often keep these dragons as companions due to their natural green thumbs.

[Story] "Slow Growth"

The Snail Dragon diligently pats the soil around a healthy sapling, slipping back towards a nearby tree. As it lays back for a very necessary rest, a smaller Snail hatch approaches with curiosity.

"What did you plant there? It looks so small in that big open area."

The bigger Snail dragon looked on in awe, gazing upon the grassy field with such joy.

"I've planted a tree, just like this one. It may look small in that field now, but with time it will grow bigger and bigger. It may take a while, but soon it will be just as big as this tree here. The growth will be slow, but maybe when you're older you'll be able to sit in its shade as well with new hatch and hatchlings."

The young hatch looked up at the adult Snail Dragon and nodded silently. Maybe they would, and maybe they'll be able to explain it to them too.

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