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[Creator Dragon] Silkie Dragon

Silkie Dragon
Elements: Dark, Wind
Food: Grain, plants, and insects.  Transitions into eating meat as a hatchling.
Area of discovery: Farms and sunny fields
Time of discovery: Year round on sunny days, most common in the spring.


“This egg is covered in soft down”

Usually found underneath an unsuspecting hen along with the rest of her clutch.  Only slightly larger than the chicken's eggs, you may be able to hear peeping from inside.

"This hatch is indistinguishable to a chick. " 
Even seasoned farmers are unable to identify them.  At this point the hatch is dependent on the mother hen, following her along with her actual chicks.

"This hatchling has begun to sprout a tail and horns, growing fluffier."
 It starts to transition to a predator role, commonly preying on younger chickens in its flock.  After forming a bond with her, the hatchling won't harm the mother hen and has been observed taking a protective role.

As the adult dragon reaches full size, it gains the ability of flight unlike a true silkie.  At this point it will leave the mother hen, now an adept predator.  As a social species, they form nomadic flocks and, due to the nature of their travels, will lay their eggs in the nests of broody hens to be raised.


The Silkie Dragon was discovered when a farmer, who lost half of his flock was trying to find the cause.  There were no signs of a predator entering the chicken lot, so he had some investigating to do.  

Upon finding what looked like a juvenile silkie chicken sprouting horns and a tail, he captured it and took it to the dragon research institute for study.  They found out it was a new type of dragon, going overlooked as it grew right under the farmers' own hens with any damage being brushed off as foxes.  

Now farmers stay on the lookout for any unusual activity from their chickens, though they normally don't spot a silkie Dragon until it's too late.  



Male Variant:

Extended horns, walnut-comb, and skin exposed on face.

Designed by player ID 10098755417 for Creator dragon contest

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