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드래곤빌리지 컬렉션

글쓰기 브랜드 사이트

[자작룡]우로보로스 드래곤/Ouroboros Dragon

평균 체형: 3m-3.5m /170~200kg

먹이: 멜론, 어둠 멜론

주요 발견 지역: 빛이 가득하거나 그림자가 가득한 장소

발견 가능 시기: 정오 또는 자정

종류: 우로보로스 드래곤 
속성: 빛/어둠
유형: 쌍두 드래곤


Average Size: 3m-3.5m /170~200kg

Diet: melon, dark melon

Primary HabitatA place full of light or full of shadows

Availability: Noon or midnight

Species: Ouroboros Dragon
Attributes: Light/Dark
Type: Two-Headed Dragon

이 알은 명확한 경계선이 있고, 위에는 두 개의 금고리 장식의 보석이 있는데, 고정하지 않으면 이 알은 끊임없이 굴러간다


This Egg has clear boundaries, and has two gold rings adorning the surface of the gemstone, which, if not secured, egg would roll around continuously


부화하면 뱀처럼 보이지만, 양쪽에 머리가 하나씩 있고, 알의 보석은 이마에 두개로 나왔다


When it hatches, it looks like a snake, but with a head on each side, each with the gemstone from the egg on its forehead


하얀 쪽에 깃털과 날개는 더 커졌고, 검은 쪽에는 비늘이 가득했고, 손의 비늘과 발톱도 더 날카로워졌습니다 두 머리의 성격 차이도 뚜렷해졌고 하얀 쪽이 더 친절하고 검은 쪽에는 항상 경겨심을 기지고 있다


The white side of the hatchling is characterized by feathers and larger wings, while the black side is covered with scales, and the scales and claws on its hands become sharper. The difference in personality between the two heads also becomes more obvious, with the white one usually being closer to people, and the black one being more on guard at all times


깃털과 발톱이 더욱 발달하여 자유롭게 날고  기어다닐 수 도 있습니다 파트너와 이동 방식에 대해 불평을 많이 하지만 여전히 분업할 수 있으며 두 머리의 성격은 완전 다르지만 상대방을 받아들일 수 있고 잘 지내려고 노력합니다


Feathers and claws are more fully developed and can now fly or crawl freely, they often complain about the way each other moves but still maintain a division of labor, and although the two heads have very different personalities they accept and find ways to get along with each other


"밖에 나가고 싶어요! 화창한 날이에요! 난 화창한 날이 좋아요!"

"절대 안 돼! 밖은 너무 더워!"

동굴 속에서 흰 뱀 용은 검은 뱀 용을 데리고 외출하려고 하는데, 그럴 수만 있다면 둘이 따로 나가고 싶지만 그럴 수 없어요.

한 몸에 두 개의 머리를 가진 두 사람은 어릴 때부터 함께 살았지만, 자라면서 성격의 차이가 더욱 뚜렷해졌고 어른이 되어서는 거의 모든 것에 대해 정반대의 견해를 가지고 있습니다.

흰색은 날개를 퍼덕이고 검은색은 발톱을 땅에 파묻어 짝에게 끌려가지 않으려 했지만, 날개를 퍼덕여도 발톱이 풀려 동굴 밖으로 날아갔고 이번에는 검은색이 졌어요!

하지만 다음 번에는 다시 되찾을 것입니다.



"I want to go outside and do something! It's a sunny day! I love sunny days!"

"Never! It's too hot outside!"

You can see in the cave that a white Snake Dragon is trying to get a black Snake Dragon to go out with him, and if they could, they'd definitely want to do it separately, but they can't.

They are two heads in one body, and have lived together since childhood, but their personality differences have become more pronounced as they have grown up, and as adults they have opposing views on almost everything.

The white one flapped his wings while the black one embedded his claws in the ground to avoid being dragged away by his partner, but with the flapping of the wings, the claws still came loose and they flew out of the cave, this time, the black one lost!

This time, black lost, but next time, he'll get it back.


[특수 액션]순환

드래곤이사용할수 없는 액션을 사용 가능한 상태로 복원하면 그 이후에는 사용할 수 없게 됩니다


[Special Action]cycle

Restores an action that a dragon cannot use to a usable state, after using it, the action will be unusable

Excludes cooling actions


댓글 2


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