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드래곤빌리지 컬렉션

글쓰기 브랜드 사이트


Dragon name: Arkana 




  The egg is surrounded by flowing water.    


Dragon Book:   

  This egg is easily found in clean water sources. It often hides in places where the water is clean and abundant, guiding the flow of water around itself. It only thrives in the vicinity of clean water sources, and can only hatch when there is ample and pure water. otherwise, it won't easily break out of its shell. Arkana dragon hatched in arid or polluted areas may quickly perish. 




  이 알은 흐르는 물에 둘러싸여 있다. 



  이런 알은 깨끗한 수원에서 쉽게 찾을 수 있다.그것은 항상 물이 깨끗하고 충분한 곳에 숨어 주위의 물을 유도한다.그것은 청정수원 부근에서만 번식하며 충분하고 깨끗한 물속에서만 부화할 수 있다;그렇지 않으면, 그것은 쉽게 껍질에서 떨어지지 않을 것이다.가뭄이나 오염 지역에서 부화한 아카나론은 곧 죽을 수도 있다.




  This hatch floats like water mist.


Dragon Book: 

  From the hatch phase, a gemstone appears on its forehead, and it begins to develop rudimentary wings. It possesses an innate mischievous personality, constantly seeking out interesting things like a child. It is fond of cleanliness and prefers to stay in places with clean water, such as rivers and lakes, while actively avoiding dirty ditches and arid areas. Since it hasn't fully grown yet, it typically doesn't stray far from its birthplace water source. 




  이 선창은 물안개처럼 떠다닌다.


  부화 단계부터 보석 하나가 이마에 나타나 기본적인 날개를 발육하기 시작했다.그것은 타고난 개구쟁이 성격으로 아이처럼 끊임없이 재미있는 것을 찾는다.그것은 청결을 좋아하고, 강과 호수와 같은 물이 깨끗한 곳에 머무르는 것을 좋아하며, 동시에 더러운 도랑과 가뭄 지역을 적극적으로 피한다.아직 완전히 자라지 않았기 때문에, 그것은 보통 발원지의 수원에서 너무 멀리 떨어지지 않는다.  




  This hatchling is well-suited to life by the water's edge and can effortlessly control the flow of water.


Dragon Book: 

  Unlike the hatch phase, its wings have fully developed, and each flap carries a light blue mist. Its entire body is as clear as water, with clean and incredibly smooth fur. From the hatching stage, it can proficiently harness the power of the gemstone, manipulating the water elements in its natural surroundings. 




  진화한 해츨링은 물가의 생활에 아주 적합하여 조금도 힘들이지 않고 물줄기를 통제할수 있다.


  부화 단계와는 달리 날개가 완전히 발육해 플랩마다 옅은 파란색 안개가 끼어 있다.그것의 온몸은 물처럼 맑고 깨끗하고 매끄러운 털을 가지고 있다.부화 단계부터 보석의 힘을 능숙하게 이용해 자연환경의 수원소를 조종할 수 있다.





  This is a dragon that lives around streams and lakes, and its presence can also be found near clear mountain springs.

  Since birth, Arkana dragon has been accompanied by water. While it doesn't immerse itself in water, its figure is often seen resting by the water's edge. Before reaching adult phase, it generally doesn't venture far from its habitat. Its underdeveloped wings limit its ability for long-distance travel, unless it encounters a dangerous situation or is drawn to a cleaner water source.

  Once it reaches adult, the Arkana dragon frequently roams near its habitat. It is not fearful of humans, and it does not actively harm them. In fact, it often uses its abilities to protect its habitat from flooding. Therefore, when an Arkana dragon appears near villages and towns by the water, people always warmly welcome the dragon with the finest fruits and food.


Dragon book: 

  The gem on its forehead assists the Arkana dragon in enhancing its control over water. If a Arkana dragon loses its gem, it will retreat to its habitat and regenerate a new gem with the nourishment of water. In times of threat, the gem can also be utilized as a weapon to project magical power.




  시냇물과 호수 주변에 사는 용이며, 그 존재는 맑은 샘물 근처에서도 찾을 수 있다.


  아카나론은 태어나면서부터 물과 함께했다.물에 잠기지 않지만 물가에 멈춰 있는 모습을 자주 볼 수 있다.성년 단계에 이르기 전에, 그것은 보통 위험을 무릅쓰고 서식지를 멀리 떠나지 않는다.발육이 완전하지 않은 날개는 위험한 상황에 부딪히거나 더 깨끗한 수원으로 끌려가지 않는 한 장거리 여행 능력을 제한한다.


  일단 성인이 되면 아카나롱은 서식지 부근에서 자주 어슬렁거린다.그것은 결코 인류를 두려워하지 않으며, 주동적으로 인류를 해치지도 않는다.사실 그것은 항상 자신의 능력을 이용하여 자신의 서식지를 홍수로부터 보호한다.그러므로 아카나룡 한마리가 물가의 마을과 도시부근에 나타났을 때 사람들은 늘 가장 좋은 과일과 음식으로 이 룡을 열렬히 환영했다.


용의 서:

  이마의 보석은 아카나론이 물에 대한 통제를 강화하는 데 도움이 된다.아카나론이 보석을 잃으면 서식지로 철수하고 물의 자양으로 새로운 보석을 재생합니다.위협을 받을 때 보석은 마법을 투사하는 무기로도 쓰인다.


Story: The Waters That Nourished the Land


A small town faced an unprecedented disaster when their usual well unexpectedly ran dry. Left with no choice, the townsfolk dug a channel from a nearby river directly to their farmlands.


This action caught the attention of a Arkana dragon Dragon residing in the nearby forest, and it was infuriated by the humans taking its water. However, when it arrived above the small town and saw the withered crops in the fields and the people in distress due to the looming drought, it felt that the inhabitants here needed the water even more than it did.


Therefore, it harnessed its abilities and redirected a significant amount of river water to the fields and the parched town. The townspeople celebrated joyously, gathering around the Arkana dragon Dragon to express their gratitude. The dragon didn't reject the people's warmth, allowing even children to stroke its furry body.


Afterward, people often brought delicious fruits to the Arkana dragon Dragon, and the dragon continued to guard this land alongside its inhabitants.



이야기: 대지를 자양하는 수역


한 작은 마을이 전례 없는 재난을 당했는데, 그들의 평소의 우물이 의외로 말랐다.다른 선택의 여지가 없는 상황에서 시민들은 인근 하천에서 논밭으로 바로 통하는 통로를 팠다.


이 행동은 인근 숲에 사는 아카나룡의 주의를 끌었고, 물을 빼앗은 인간들에게 격노했다.그러나 마을 상공에 도착해 밭의 시든 농작물과 임박한 가뭄으로 어려움을 겪는 사람들을 볼 때 이곳 주민들은 그것보다 물이 더 필요하다고 느꼈다.


그러므로 자신의 능력을 리용하여 대량의 강물을 다시 들판과 마른 도시로 인도하였다.마을 사람들은 환호작약하며 아카나론 주위에 모여 감사의 마음을 표현했다.용은 사람들의 따뜻함을 배척하지 않고 심지어 아이가 털이 보송보송한 몸을 쓰다듬도록 허락한다.


그후 사람들은 늘 아카나룡에게 맛있는 과일을 가져다주었고 룡은 계속 그의 주민들과 함께 이 땅을 지켰다.

 Evolution display


Dragon Info

Body type: 1.9~2.5m/70~100kg

Major discovery area: Mainly found in area with clear streams, lakes, or mountain springs.

Time of discovery: Mainly found in all seasons, but rarely seen in winter (Because the water has frozen)

Food: Water fruit

Element types: water, dream

habitat: forest of hope



↑↑↑↑↑↑↑Cover image↑↑↑↑↑↑↑



I drew my favorite dragon, which is a Water-type Arkana from Dragon Village M. I'm really sad that I couldn't find a blue Arkana here because in Dragon Village C, only black and white Arkana appear. So, I decided to draw it myself. 



Special thanks to my good friend ZX, he helped me write such a beautiful story, thank you for describing such a vivid Arkana. I have obtained his permission and consent to publish it here. I'm really not good at writing lol.



Thank you very much for watching and reading. wish you have a wonderful day!




나는 내가 가장 좋아하는 용을 그렸다. 그것은 용촌M에서 온 수형 아카나다. 나는 이곳에서 파란색 아카나를 찾을 수 없어서 매우 슬펐다. 왜냐하면 용촌C에서 검은색과 흰색의 아카나만 나타났기 때문이다.그래서 제가 직접 그리기로 했어요.



특히 나의 좋은 친구 ZX에게 감사드립니다. 그는 나를 도와 이렇게 아름다운 이야기를 썼습니다. 당신이 이렇게 생동감 있는 아카나를 묘사해 주셔서 감사합니다.나는 이미 그의 허락과 동의를 얻어 여기에서 그것을 발표했다.나는 정말 하하를 잘 쓰지 못한다.



시청하고 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.좋은 하루 되세요!


modification logs:

2023/9/9: add translation to Korean on each story.

2023/9/10: Improved egg Korean description.

댓글 36


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